6.5 PRC Hammer Hunter recipe (131 or 124)?

Laker if I recall right it mainly in the summer out shooting chucks on warm days. Generally 23" barrels give or take an inch. Generally when the speeds with the 140's ventured north of 2900 accuracy two things would happen.

One accuracy would go to heck in a hand bag, two we'd often have primers pop. Get them back sub 2900 and viola. 2850 is where we found the sweet spot to be with 140's.

Just one mans experience (with 8 or 9 barrels...)

(edit, that was mainly 20 years ago and powders have changed a lot)

I've only had 4 cut with the same reamer. Pretty long throat on the reamer I used. Wonder if that helped in my case?
We are generally mag primers guys in everything. Something with the efficiency of the prc that the mag primers will cause it to pressure out prematurely. By running lr primers we gained 4g of powder and over 200 fps.

We couldn't get enough of Rl23 or n565 in the case to get to pressure.
Thank you very much for the reply. It helps cross 2 powders off the list that I've been looking for.