6.5 Creedmoor Build


New Member
Aug 4, 2015
Loving the info on here but can't seem to find the answer to this question: are there different actions from which to build a hunting rifle chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor? I know I can build one up from a .308, but what about .243? .260? Are there others? 30.06 has always been deer mainstay rifle and its never steered me wrong, but for the past 2 yrs I have hunted on new land with 700 - 800 shooting lanes (open pasture with small groves here and there), so I'm wanting something to reach out a little further. Never built one or tinkered much with my rifles, but ready to start. Thanks in advance.
First-off, welcome to LRH. I hope you find the info you're looking for here.

The .30-06 will handle 700-800 yard hunting better than the 6.5 Creedmoor will. It will hit harder, and carries a heavier bullet. It will not be as flat-shooting as the 6.5 CM, but it is still a very good caliber for your task at-hand.

I have a 26" .30-06 AI that pushes Berger 185 VLD handloads over 2,900 fps. That is right behind a .300 WinMag. Knowing the rifle and velocity (if I had a better scope on it), I would have no problem shooting deer at 1000 yards with that rifle.

I think you would be better off getting to know your .30-06 a bit better than swapping to a smaller caliber for longer distance hunting... Kind of backwards, in my opinion. Most people usually go for bigger cartridges for longer distance shooting.
Thanks for the quick and informative replies. I appreciate it. But back to my original question, should I choose to build up a 6.5 CM, what base action/s can I use? May build one anyway to shoot groundhogs with over in Kansas and Nebraska (I live in Missouri).

Thanks again

- Steve
Thanks for the quick and informative replies. I appreciate it. But back to my original question, should I choose to build up a 6.5 CM, what base action/s can I use? May build one anyway to shoot groundhogs with over in Kansas and Nebraska (I live in Missouri).

Thanks again

- Steve

You can use any action (long or short) that has a .470" bolt face. Also known as a "standard" bolt face. Calibers that use standard bolt faces include...

Short actions with a bolt face .Dia of .470 +/-

225 Winchester, 22/250 Remingtion, 6mm Norma BR, 243 Win, 250 Savage, 260 Rem, 6.5/284 Norma, 7/08 Rem, 284 win, 300 Savage, 308 Win, 338 Federal, 35 Rem, and the 358 Winchester.

Long actions with a bolt face .DIA of .470 +/-

220 Swift, 6mm Rem, 240 Weatherby Mag, 257 Roberts, 25-06 Rem, 6.5x55 Swedish, 270 Win, 7x57 Mauser, 7x64 Brenneke, 280 Rem, 30/06 Springfield, 8mm Mauser, 338/06 A Square, and the 35 Whelen

It was easier to copy and past this info off of this chart that JE made up several years back, than it would have been to type it all back out again.

Yes, you can use any of the actions mentioned, 308, 260, 243, 22-250, 7-08. All the have .470 bolt faces. 6.5 Creedmoor SAAMI speck is .472.

You could also build it on a long action that uses that bolt face. Like: 25-06, 270, 30-06.
I would get a really good scope, some 215 Bergers with one of the 4350's or Reloader 17 and a chronograph. Once you get your ES's down and practice more you will see if you can take a deer at 7-900 yards. The 30-06 has more reach than alot of people realize. I had a guy tell me at a gun show, when I told him I like to shoot my -06 at 1000 yards. He said " 30-06 ? You can't shoot a -06 that far you need a .308." Most loaded ammo for the 30-06 is flat base low BC 150-180 grain bullet. It will come to life with a 178-208 Amax or 185-215 grain Bergers.

PS. You still should get the Creedmoor, everyone needs a Creedmoor.LOL
Allow me to throw a wrench in here. Grab another long action and put a 280 Ackley pipe on it. Better BC for the same weight bullet in your '06. Less energy loss downrange with the same launch velocity.
Wow...you guys are amazing! I got tons more info than I dreamed. I really appreciate it. As a forum noobie on other boards in the past I've never been treated this well. Thank you all!

- Steve
Yes, you can use any of the actions mentioned, 308, 260, 243, 22-250, 7-08. All the have .470 bolt faces. 6.5 Creedmoor SAAMI speck is .472.

You could also build it on a long action that uses that bolt face. Like: 25-06, 270, 30-06.
I've built several 6.5mm Creedmores for customers. I'd not use a long action. The round was designed to be used in a short action. The design proves that out, without a doubt.
Just a suggestion here, if you are set on using a long action to build off of, consider a 260, they are so close in ballistics its just a coin toss over the creedmoor.
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