45 raptor and 460 s&w reamer print


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2011
does anyone have 45 raptor reamer print or 460 s&w rifle reamer print. I am looking for one that headspace on case mouth, supposed to be what I got from Ptg, but don't think so. So I figured I'd get a print here faster than asking them. Or just good pic of your reamer would tell me alot.
does anyone have 45 raptor reamer print or 460 s&w rifle reamer print. I am looking for one that headspace on case mouth, supposed to be what I got from Ptg, but don't think so. So I figured I'd get a print here faster than asking them. Or just good pic of your reamer would tell me alot.

The 460 S&W is a rimed case and the 45 Raptor is a rimless case and head spaces on the case mouth like the 45 ACP.

Here is a link that should answer your questions.


I am aware of how they are different, I was looking for a print. so I can confirm how mine is ground, I understood, that this reamer "460 s&w rifle reamer" was to be ground to headspace of case mouth like the raptor. If I recall you have done one or a few 460 rifles. did you make barrel half moon barrel shoulder recessed into bolt head to headspace top rim? or how did you set them up?
does anyone have 45 raptor reamer print or 460 s&w rifle reamer print. I am looking for one that headspace on case mouth, supposed to be what I got from Ptg, but don't think so. So I figured I'd get a print here faster than asking them. Or just good pic of your reamer would tell me alot.

The 460 S&W is a rimed case and the 45 Raptor is a rimless case and head spaces on the case mouth like the 45 ACP.

Here is a link that should answer your questions.


I am aware of how they are different, I was looking for a print. so I can confirm how mine is ground, I understood, that this reamer "460 s&w rifle reamer" was to be ground to headspace of case mouth like the raptor. If I recall you have done one or a few 460 rifles. did you make barrel half moon barrel shoulder recessed into bolt head to headspace top rim? or how did you set them up?

I head spaced on the rim and cut an extractor relief so The rifle could shoot the 460 ammo and the 454 plus the 45 long colt.

I did not want to have to trim the cases every time I loaded to maintain head space on such a powerful cartridge. and with straight sided cases this is very important.

I looked at the 45 Raptor but decided against the rimless case for the reasons I mentioned. If I didn't already have a 460 S&W pistol I would probably have chosen the 450 Marlin for the power and head space control.

Just My opinion and choice for a large and legal cartridge for states that have restrictions on large bore cartridges/rifles.

Here is the chamber dimensions.

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