Those questions/comments is essentially like putting Pandoras Box in the crosshairs because any real conversation in regards to your questions/comments will be seen be seen as "Bashing" by some, "Negative" by some, "Truth" by some, "Siding" with this vs that by some, etc etc etc.
My personal and professional opinion is quiet complex in regards to your questions/comments.
I see the root cause as "wildcat-itus".
"Widcat-itus" can literally choke the life out of a new cartridge from ever becoming "industry accepted".
Some wildcatters make the conscious effort to catch wildcat-itus while others unintentionally catch it.
Scenario #1...Lets take APM for example. Kirby purposely and intentionally caught wildcat-itus because he, himself wanted to be the "only" gun builder that could build a client a rifle chambered in his APMs. The upside to that for him is he gets to claim that, the downside to him is weapons built numbers will always remain low.
Scenario #2...Lets take the 338NM for example. Jimmy purposely and intentionally made sure he did NOT catch wildcat-itus. He designed the cartridge, tested the cartridge, had others test it under NDA, had commercial brass lined up, and had commercial ammunition lined up pretty much before anyone ever knew about the 338NM and look at his results of that today. JSOC just changed their caliber requirements for their new switch barrel weapon system from 308, 300WM and 338LM to 308, 300NM and 338NM.
Scenario #3...Lets take the "Lethal" for example. Mitch seems to be following the same path as Kirby; in wanting to utilize his "wildcat" as the foundation of his gun building.
Scenario #4...Lets take the 408CT for example. The original cheytac and associates group of companies designed the cartridge, designed the projectile, built the test rifle called the Prometheus, tested the 408CT for about a year then determined they needed another weapons platform. They then went to Bill at EDM. New weapons platforms were built and more testing was done including radar testing at Yuma way before this industry even used the term "doppler radar". They took that data and had a ballistics program built. ALL that before anyone really even knew about the new "wildcat". Their results pretty much speak for themselves too, same as Jimmy with NM.
If you check the BATFE manufacturing records for "ELR" gun builders you will see the quantity is pretty minuscule in the USA.
And the ones with the highest numbers do not have a "proprietary" cartridge. They DO have a cartridge that has readily available brass and ammunition though...
IMO the "ELR" industry is sort of the opposite from rest of firearms industry. Typically it is the USA civilian gun market that supports the typical firearms manufacturers. The USA and International military market is not the backbone of the typical firearms industry.
ELR industry is driven and supported by military markets more than civilian markets..especially the International markets. And before everyone says otherwise..just ponder and research these numbers for examples:
2006 Turkey purchased 275 cheytac 408s from USA mfg
2007 Poland purchased 342 cheytac 408s from USA mfg
2009 Bulgaria purchased 186 cheytac 408s from USA mfg
2010 Russia FSB purchased 410 cheytac 408s from Russian mfg
etc etc
2017 Czech Rep purchasing 30 DT HTI in 375 cheytac
2017 Russian Alpha group purchasing 300 cheytac 375s from Russian mfg
2017 French RAID purchasing 25 cheytac 375s from Switzerland mfg
2017 Turkey purchasing 450 cheytac 375s from Switzerland mfg
In 2009 Israel created a sub-sniper specialty under their hard target interdiction sniper specialty that is specifically designed for 2500m+ engagements.
In 2010 Bahrain created a sniper specialty geared specifically for 3000m+ engagements.
My personal conclusion is any "wildcatter" that is purposely catching wildcat-itus will always have a wildcat..A wildcatter that is going after the Military/Governmental usage will have a industry accepted cartridge.