375 ruger bullet choice


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I posted this in the bullet/ballistic section but recieved no responses. I just picked up a .375 ruger with a 22" barrel and plan on using for a brown bear hunt next year. My farthest shot in this area will be 500 yards. I have been looking at: 270gr barnes, 250gr gameking, 260gr accubond. Any suggestions?
partisan, i suspect that the lack of responses comes from the fact that the 375Rug is a pretty new cartridge and not alot of folks have played with it much yet. thats just a guess. I have one of the "African" models Ruger came out with. I have yet to shoot it but it seems like a good rifle. Anyhow i digress.. I remember one thread on here that a fella started on his 375Ru. It seems like he was using the Barnes 270 gr bullets and RL 15. from what i remeber he was getting good results from that combo. I am sure if you do a search you can find that thread. i hope this helps.
I will do a search for the 375 RUG to see what is up. I am really looking more for bullet performance on game. A bullet that will be up to stopping one of the big boys up close but will still have enough at 500yards to do the job. I keep looking at Barnes but I hear mixed results on thier performance and even getting them to sit right in brass.
I find lots of information about putting holes in paper which helps a little but I am more interested in bullet performance down range. I imagine a sierra matchking would work at longer ranges but I need a bullet that works well at close range as well.
For accuracy, I've had very good results with the 260 gr Nosler Accubond (which has a decent BC) and Nosler claims they'll open up down to 1800 fps. I've not yet shot any game with them, but dang, they're accurate! Have been told that they perform very well on elk & moose.

Here's some of the bullets I've been working with from my .375 H&H:

Sierra's 300 gr SPBT, on the far right, has also been very accurate and I've heard good things about them on game, even Cape Buff.
260 Accubond (Favorite Load for Moose)
Reloader 15 powder @ 76.0
Fed 215GM

300gr Accubond or Hornady DGX
RL 15 @ 71.0

235gr Barnes TSX
IMR 4895 @ 78.5

270gr Barnes TSX (Good dangerous Game Load)
RL 15@ 75.0

I have the 375 Ruger Alaskan I have used several loads that I had worked up. With 260gr to 300gr bullets Reloader 15 has proven excellent. Although several had reported good results with the new Reloader 17. With the excellent 300gr Accubond with that great BC Reloader 15 @ 71.0 is very accurate.......but for flat shooting the 260gr Accubond is excellent. Another flat shooter will be the 235gr Barnes TSX.......if your looking for a Elk load that would fit the bill nicely.....IMR 4895....would be my pick with the 235gr in the 375 Ruger.

For Brown bear we don't shoot them at 500 yards.......usually 150 yards or less. Their eye sight is poor as long as you get up wind you can stalk to that range if terrain allows. If hunting streams recommend the 270gr Barnes TSX (RL 15 @ 75.0) or the new Hornady 300gr RN DGX (RL 15 @ 71.0) bullet or factory load. Also suggest Fed 215GM or WLRM primers with the 375 Ruger.
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I used the sierra 350 match king in my 375 tejas, my daughter killed a elk at 800 yds and the exit hole was about the size of a quarter. I killed a deer at 540 yds the first shot behind the shoulder exit hole was the size of a quarter {very little bloodshot on both broadside shots} and the kill shot to the head blew off the top of the head re-entered the shoulder with a 4" entance and exited out the hind quarter caliber size after smashing the pelvis and upper leg bone but I did find the intact hollow point tip, broken off 3/8" long against the hide by the exit hole. I drilled out hollow point to .046" on the bullets to increase the chance of expansion. I dont believe this bullet will expand {only tumble} but it did kill both animals. My daughter later killed a doe with a hornady 300 spbt at 200 yards with a muzzle velocity of 3200 fps the exit hole was the size of a quarter entrance was just in front of the rear quarter exited just behind the front shoulder but the damage inside the guts looked like a grenade went off, the backbone was shattered for 10 inches and it was 8 inches above the bullets path of about 2 feet. Conclusion is im still looking for a hunting bullet for this rifle.
I tried many bullet/powder combinations and settled on 260 gr. accubonds as they were the most accurate. Shot a cariboo at 374 measured yards. One shot and animal went down quickly. Front shoulder destroyed and blood shot. I would not use accubonds on bears or if meat hunting!
The bullet was moving slow at that range and still blew up(fragmented) The bullet did not penitrate the front shoulder. It did not exit and I could not find it. This was my personal experience with one bullet. I shot a large whitetail with a 270 silvertip when I was in high school during the last ice age. Anyway that bullet exploded and ruined a good part of two quarters. I have never shot another animal with silvertips. Some would argue it is a great round because it killed. I know the bergers are being touted as explosive, quick and humane. To me that is not a good argument if it is wasting the meat. I do not hunt bears in Alaska. Try to avoid them. I load my .375 at night with 300 grain hornady dangerous game shells however have not tested them.
I posted this in the bullet/ballistic section but recieved no responses. I just picked up a .375 ruger with a 22" barrel and plan on using for a brown bear hunt next year. My farthest shot in this area will be 500 yards. I have been looking at: 270gr barnes, 250gr gameking, 260gr accubond. Any suggestions?

270TSX,300TSX OR 350TSX I would pick one of these. period! nothing wrong with an AB but for big bear...this would be it! I have the 375 Ruger and myself I would go with the 300g TSX
I posted this in the bullet/ballistic section but recieved no responses. I just picked up a .375 ruger with a 22" barrel and plan on using for a brown bear hunt next year. My farthest shot in this area will be 500 yards. I have been looking at: 270gr barnes, 250gr gameking, 260gr accubond. Any suggestions?

I don't have any experience with the 375 Ruger but from what I see from the availble data, the Barnes bullets wont get you to 500 yds with minimal impact velocity (assuming it's 1800 fps). The 260 AB will, but IMO the GS HV 375 300 would be the best bullet for the job. They have a very good BC and will get higher MV's than other bullets and have an excellent rep for being very good killers. If I did have a 375 Ruger, I would shooting the GS bullets out of it. You should ensure you have a compatible twist.

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270 grain TSX or 300 grain North Fork soft point. I'm using North Forks out of my 375 H&H for brownies on the peninsula in May. They hit like a freight train and are extremely accurate.
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