338 ???


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2009
Pocatello, ID
I got off the phone with RCBS and was in the process of ordering dies for my 338 edge. They told me that the 338 rum dies would work and all I need was a 338 Rum die set. Can someone explain to me how and what do i need to do to make it work? That would sure save me a lot of money!! Any opinions would be awesome.

I got off the phone with RCBS and was in the process of ordering dies for my 338 edge. They told me that the 338 rum dies would work and all I need was a 338 Rum die set. Can someone explain to me how and what do i need to do to make it work? That would sure save me a lot of money!! Any opinions would be awesome.


Why not just go to the organ grinder (Shawn Carlock) instead of the monkey (RCBS)?

Shawn Carlock of Defensive Edge developed the cartridge.
I use a rcbs 338 rum neck sizing set for my edge with good results. You will need to adjust the dies so they do not come close to the shell holder. Start with them high and adjust down slowly until you get where you need to be. The seater die will need the seater plug adjusted almost all the way down and the die up high. My gun shoots tiny groups with this setup.
Like lost creek said it will work for neck sizing and I also have got good results with them and a generic 338 neck sizer. Many of my guns are wildcats so I use generic neck sizers in all calibers to save money. After a while though they will need to be full length sized again if your brass lasts that long. I am sure Shawn has full length dies to sell for this chambering. It would be a good idea to get full length dies made for your chambering if you plan on keeping and shooting it quite a bit.

BHP9, Shawn Carlock did not develop this cartridge. He started calling it the edge out of his shop. Many gunsmiths had been doing that one for a few years stamped 338-300 ultramag before Shawn started with it. When the 338 ultramag came out many gunsmiths quit fooling with it about the time Shawn started with it.
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Lost creek ,
what do you mean that the seater plug needs to be adjusted way down. Can't I start by seating the bulletts way ling and adjust my seating die to move the bullet down?
Long time ranger
how often and after how Many rounds would I need to full resize?
Thanks guys for all if your replys
Just depends on your individual gun and chamber. I have some I shoot over ten times with neck sizing only and some I may get three shots before they need resizing to chamber easily. I was developing a new load for my 338-300 ultramag this summer and loaded one brass ten shots one after the other to see how long it would last with that load. Neck sizing only It shot fine those ten shots. It was a 225 AB shooting 3300 fps in a 28" barrel. I think I loaded those with a 338-378 wby sizer set to just neck size because I had it out there with me doing some testing also.
Do you find it hard to deprime when only neck sizing? I asume not but this will be my first wildcat that I reload ! :D I can't wait to get it back


With the 338 edge case being longer than the 338 rum case, the top of the edge case will hit inside the seater die and you can ruin cases in the die is not kept up. The seater plug in my die is down almost all the way so the case does not hit. No problem depriming.
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