300 smk


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
Anybody have any ideas on where I can buy 500 of these? I've tried all the places that I can think of and they all seem to be out. Any suggestions?
Thanks Don... I tried their website and it looks like they are out now too. Anybody have any other places to try?

I've tried these places already:

Champions Choice
Lock Stock and Barrel

Bruce is out of town till next week. I think Sierra said their shipment won't be in until middle of June. I will have to give them a call and get an update, but until then anybody want to sell me a box of 50?

I don't know if I can wait that long. I had a blast last weekend! I took my girlfriend out camping and we set up targets out to 1260 yrds. That sound of those hitting steel at that distance is addicting. She isn't into hunting but after last weekend she started asking questions about getting a tag for this year and when we can go shooting again.

I'll make it worth your while I promise. Just let me know what you want to part with a box and I'll gladly mail you a check.
Just called Sierra and they said it will be at least a month before they make anymore.
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