280 ackley improved propellant (need advice)

If you want temperature stability look at RL16- this powder has superb temperature stability. I shoot RL16 in my 280AI with good velocity and great accuracy. I hear great things about RL23 for this caliber with reputed temperature stability also and you might squeeze an extra 50fps over RL16. These would be the first two powders I'd try with that grain of bullet.
I tried RL23 in my 280AI last year. I got sticky bolts on every charge. I thought it been have been some of the brass, or the maybe something about how the die was set. When back to H4831 no sticky bolt, OK I know I have good brass (Nosler) and the dies are set good, I went back the RL23 again -->> sticky bolt again. Shot some RL22 with good velocity and good groups but I'm wanting a powder more temp stable.

Recently bought some Rl26 and H1000 to try. I see a few folks have had success with them.
My New 24" 280ai build will be here in a week or so. Have owned 3 previously. I don't think that I have tried H1000 but will. RL26 and 168 hvld was my last hunting load. Ordered Peterson brass and very excited to try it. Going to try RL 23. would Love to stay with Hodgdon In every rifle I own as my hunting temps can vary 80 degrees.
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