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.270 win?

Winchester Supreme ammo-
243 95grn combined technologies 2990fps rated max PBR 341yrds.
25-06 115grn combined technologies 3060fps max PBR 389yrds.
270 130grn combined technologies 3010fps max PBR 361yrds.
Calculated by shooter app using PBR figures allowing to go no higher or lower than 3" from muzzle line, don't know if that's what your looking for or not but that's how it falls.
I hunt with a 243-270win someday 25-06 i want nothing else. I like flat shooting off the shelf rounds.
For deer at my ranges i cant do any better.
Interesting thread for me as the only thing I do is load and shoot 270 win. I have two very nice custom rifles and the gunsmith's rec'd load was pretty far beyond the published "max" in all the reloading guides. over the past 3 years I have tried quite a few powders and bullets and for my gun, Neshika action, Shillen barrel, I can push a 130 grain 3,200+ fps and have now settled on a Nosler 140 Accubond at about 3,100 to 3,120. The chart says that should be an effectie round pretty far out.

I don't even know what is measured by "Point Blank Range". could someone explain? thank you.

But in response to the very start of this thread, "Yes" with the right 270 you can load to a much higher pressure and velocity. by the way, I use Norma cases.

As I often hear when people talk about their 270's I enjoy .3 to .4 MOA off the bench and ususally below .6 MOA with my Tripod hunting rig.
Point blank range is different for some people, some use 3" some 4" and some even 6" because a error of up to 6" is still in the kill zone. Personally I dial my shots, but what the point blank range means is that if you use a 3" reference that once the bullet leaves the muzzle it goes no more than 3" higher than the bore and when it drops past 3" below the muzzle its out of point blank range.
I read alot of great posts on this forum. Your 270 question is one of the dumbest things I have ever read.
Why don't you start your own ammo company?
P.S. Get some good insurance.
"BS. I'm a lawyer, shooter, hunter, reloader, name it. Oh yeah, shoot .270 Win as much as I can.
If you ever get arrested, call a gunsmith, he will do wonders for ya."

That was classic!! I usta hate lawyers too.... until I needed one. Bravo Sir!

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