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.270 win?


Active Member
May 25, 2011
Why dont store bought rounds have full powder loads? I guess max pressure bla bla. I shake a 270 win. round and it sounds like a ech-a-skech. So why a wsm when 'just add more powder' to a 270 win.? long action vs short action difference is a joke to keep people talking. So any intelligent input? lightbulb
Just wondering?
Some powders reach max pressure long before the case is full.

Other powders will completely fill the case long before reaching max pressure.

Factory ammo must be safe in all factory rifles.

-- richard
Wsm brass is also rated for higher pressure I believe in the 62k psi range as opposed to the old win case rating of 50k psi. Higher pressure higher speed.
I load several 270 Wins and 270 WSMs and built alike and loaded with the same bullets and performing top notch the WSM will out run the Win by around 200fps.
So the rifles arnt built to handle higher pressures i get it.:)
So they could build 270 win. rifles to handle higher pressures-hotter powder-and shoot faster?
Both rounds have a saami max of 65k psi, wsm holds around 12 grns more powder and is short and fat which makes it more suitable for faster powders and burns more efficiently.
I suspect that for run-of-the-mill factory loads, economics plays a huge part in what powder is used. If a mfg. can use $.08 of powder B instead of $.10 of powder A in a load and get even similar performance, well powder B it is, regardless of how much it fills the case.
I hunt deer in mich. The field i hunt is 800 by 800 yrds. so shooting flat is top on my list. As .277 is overkill in my eyes it does shot as flat as a .243 and 25.06 with a little extra whap. But a little flatter = less critical distance guessing on the fly. Then we get into recoil vs accuracy give and take. So for me 270 win. lands in my comfort zone. My .02
I hunt deer in mich. The field i hunt is 800 by 800 yrds. so shooting flat is top on my list. As .277 is overkill in my eyes it does shot as flat as a .243 and 25.06 with a little extra whap. But a little flatter = less critical distance guessing on the fly. Then we get into recoil vs accuracy give and take. So for me 270 win. lands in my comfort zone. My .02

You have the possibility of shooting a deer 800+ yards and you consider a .277 an overkill?
I see one other problem with that statement, if you are a handloader, a 243win with a 105 berger shoots a lot flatter than a 270win with 150 berger vlds and may still be a little behind the 25-06 with a 115 berger.
Yep! I will let the Biggest buck of my life walk on by if it's out of my comfort range. I wont shoot past 300 yrds because i haven't practiced past that. Same with bow 20 yrds max. hunting conditions. Nothing feels worse than a bad shot wounded animal i cant hunt anymore- game dying in a ditch somewhere ain't for me.

If your not sure get closer (i think)
Backwoods (in a nut shell ) winchester online ballistics calculator at 500 yrds (ish) if i remember right.
popular hunting weight bullets.
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Yeah, that's just general info according to them, in reality the 270 has a horrible maximum point blank range. It would do good if it was case big enough to push the 165 Matrix vld at a decent speed.
So Posted point blank range is bad for 270 win. or the others to?
No one should be going by posted anything anyway.


Practice so thats your hunting experience
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