270 wby


Active Member
Nov 10, 2009
nanaimo bc canada
Hello, fellow reloaders imm new to the site and just started reloading. Got myself a mark v ultralight in a 270 wby and gonna try load up some 130gr tsx fr barnes, any info on loads would be a great help. :)
Hello, fellow reloaders imm new to the site and just started reloading. Got myself a mark v ultralight in a 270 wby and gonna try load up some 130gr tsx fr barnes, any info on loads would be a great help. :)
Welcome to the forum!
I have a 270Wby also, I found that RE22 and RE25 worked the best in my rifle.
I load 72gr of H4831sc with Speer 130gr SP's, 73gr of RE22 with 130gr Nosler Accubonds, or 75gr of RE25.

I mostly use 140gr and 150gr pills in mine.

A good load with the 140gr Nosler Accubond is 73gr of RE25. I used the same load with 140gr Nosler Partitions.
The best load of all is, 72gr of RE25 and 150gr Nosler Partitions. It shoots into .5MoA @ 500yrds!

All these loads need to be worked up from below, say 5%!

All loads are in Weatherby brass with Federal 215 primers, I also chamfer all flash holes on my brass.
thank u for ur info double m. ur rifle seems to like reloader 25, so i shall pick some up if they have any here n probly grab some of thoose 150gr pills
and start workin up a load.:)
The ultralight has a shorter barrel and a faster burning powder works better in it sometimes because of that. IMR 4350 and IMR 4831. I shoot 77 grains of 7828 in mine with the 130 grain bullet. Good velocity and accuracy. It may do OK in yours but the faster powder may work better in the shorter barrel.
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