22 Creedmoor Donor Actions


Jan 9, 2021
Starting a 22 Creedmoor build. Looking for input on donor actions. Trying to balance potential accuracy, availability and ability to match a barrel to it. I've been a fan of Tikka rifles, and like their smooth actions, but I know others have successfully used Savage and Remington successfully. Others to consider? Your experience? Thanks.
Tikka! This is my 22cr after smith chambered it. Should have it back next week! One thing to consider, find a smith with large neck reamer. Most necked down quality creed, or peterson, adg 22 creed brass will be on the tighter side of clearance to the saami 257nk diameter. By tight I mean 3k clearance, I like 5k in my hunting rifles. Neck turning sucks too lol.


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If your plan is to blue print and change the trigger and stock I would just use one of the less expensive customs origin, tenacity or something similar if looking to do it on a lesser budget a used tikka would be a good starting platform
I think the cost/value depends on how much you plan to keep and use. If you buy a CTR for $900 and plan to use the trigger, action, stock then its not terrible. If you're buying a $600 blued lite just for the action I'd drop the extra $225 to get a Big Horn Origin. By the time you have the barrel pulled a new one installed a big horn with a prefit might be cheaper.
Update: I have a Tikka stainless in 270WSM, got it for a good deal. Have my donor action, now I need a new bolt face. At least I'm now out of the starting gate in assembling parts to put it together. Rifle parts are hard to come by these days.
If your plan is to blue print and change the trigger and stock I would just use one of the less expensive customs origin, tenacity or something similar if looking to do it on a lesser budget a used tikka would be a good starting platform
My plan is to use the Tikka bottom metal and trigger, but to upgrade the stock to possibly a KRG Bravo or something like that.
Update: I have a Tikka stainless in 270WSM, got it for a good deal. Have my donor action, now I need a new bolt face. At least I'm now out of the starting gate in assembling parts to put it together. Rifle parts are hard to come by these days.

I bet you could trade it for a standard bolt face or you can purchase a new bolt from LRI for $375.
Update: I have a Tikka stainless in 270WSM, got it for a good deal. Have my donor action, now I need a new bolt face. At least I'm now out of the starting gate in assembling parts to put it together. Rifle parts are hard to come by these days.
There are probably a hundred guys who'd trade a 308 bolt for your magnum. I'd post over on snipers hide, bet you'll have it squared away within a day.
Tikka! This is my 22cr after smith chambered it. Should have it back next week! One thing to consider, find a smith with large neck reamer. Most necked down quality creed, or peterson, adg 22 creed brass will be on the tighter side of clearance to the saami 257nk diameter. By tight I mean 3k clearance, I like 5k in my hunting rifles. Neck turning sucks too lol.

Which carbon barrel did you go with? Twist? I'm looking at throwing a 22 Creed together, but not sure if I want steel or carbon this time around.
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