12 Year Old's First Wyoming Trip


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2007
Central Illinois
I just got back from hunting in northeast Wyoming with Shane Bruce (SBruce). It has been an annual trip for me for many years but this year my son made his first trip. He did rather well.................

He shot the rare full velvet buck at 306 yards with his 243 Savage. The antelope shot was 377 yards with a 260 Remington that I built. Jared did a great job, I am very proud of him. Thanks to Shane for all his help.


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That's a good looking mule deer and antelope! Nice low behind the shoulder shot on that antelope! Bet it got a good deal of vitals on it. What did the 260 do to the inside of the goat? What bullets did he use?
That's a good looking mule deer and antelope! Nice low behind the shoulder shot on that antelope! Bet it got a good deal of vitals on it. What did the 260 do to the inside of the goat? What bullets did he use?

We used a 142 grain SMK out of the 260. It was a pass through with about a 2" exit hole. It was the first game we have taken with that bullet and I was impressed.
Gotta tell ya guys, Jared did a wonderful job out here his first time hunting the wide open Wyoming plains. In 30 yrs of guiding deer and antelope hunters in Wyoming, I've personally never seen a Fully Velveted mature buck after the 1st of October......definately a once in a lifetime oportunity and nice trophy.

He did his homework, Brian and he practiced during the summer from field positions and on getting quick target aquisition.

He also made the 500 yd club on a prarie dog with a 223. Oh, almost forgot; he did some really fine shootin on steel plates at 600 and 700 yds with the 260 too.

Congratulations Jarad.

Signed, Redneck Ninja
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