Rem 700 short Action dimensions


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2020
I apologize if this is doesn't belong here let me know if it doesn't. I want to try and make a stock and I was curious is there somewhere online where I can find the dimensions of the whole action and magazine well and recoil lug and maybe bottom metal (I have hinged floor plate).
Is this possible or can it only be obtain through measurement
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I apologize if this is doesn't belong here let me know if it doesn't. I want to try and make a stock and I was curious is there somewhere online where I can find the dimensions of the whole action and magazine well and recoil lug and maybe bottom metal (I have hinged floor plate).
Is this possible or can it only be obtain through measurement

What action?
I would measure mine for you but it is on a Bell & Carlson stock with a heavy barrel 308 in it. It no longer has the BDL bottom metal. Now has a Wyatt's detachable magazine in another make of stock so the measurements might confuse more than help.
I would measure mine for you but it is on a Bell & Carlson stock with a heavy barrel 308 in it. It no longer has the BDL bottom metal. Now has a Wyatt's detachable magazine in another make of stock so the measurements might confuse more than help.
Yeah i geuss you're right
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