Barrel for my 300WM

Any Berger over 175 grain needs a 1:8" twist.

I disagree. I shot out an entire 300 Norma barrel (~850 rounds) with a 10 twist Bartlein shooting Berger 230s exclusively, and my BC based on custom drop curves was basically right on what Berger claims out to 1500 yards. I rebarreled to a 9 twist Bartlein and am having equally good performance with the 230s. Berger doesn't even recommend a twist rate that fast for its longest 30 Cal bullets.
I would do the 8" twist. No less than 9".

Had an interesting conversation with Rich the other day about left hand twist. I am thinking I am going to look into this for my next barrel. As a right handed shooter it will take the torque away from your cheek and an the northern hemisphere will there should be less spin drift due to corollis counter acting it.

how many groves and that type ? I haven't notices much difference from 3 to 6.
Had an interesting conversation with Rich the other day about left-hand twist. I am thinking I am going to look into this for my next barrel.
I wanted a left-hand twist for the barrel that eventually became the current barrel on my target rifle. I waited ten months for Satern Barrels to make zero percent progress on it. Went with Hart in a right-hand twist and had it in ninety days. Seems that barrel makers are set-up to do only right-hand twists; a lefty is so rarely done that if an order ever comes in for one, it gets pushed to the back of the line and waits until everything else is finished and out the door. There are always more orders coming in, so that lefty barrel never gets to the front of the line-- and you never get it...
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I wanted a left-hand twist for the barrel that eventually became the current barrel on my target rifle. I waited ten months for Satern Barrels to make zero percent progress on it. Went with Hart in a right-hand twist and had it in ninety days. Seems that barrel makers are set-up to do only right-hand twists; a lefty is so rarely done that if an order ever comes in for one, it gets pushed to the back of the line and waits until everything else is finished and out the door. There are always more orders coming in, so that lefty barrel never gets to the front of the line-- and you never get it...
Join the lefty club in EVERYTHING! Don't hold your breath waiting!
Join the lefty club in EVERYTHING!
Have been lefthanded since the early 1960s. I do not remember if my teachers in first (64-65) and second grade (65-66) tried to get me to write with my right hand. I shoot from my left eye, but play golf right-handed. Right-handed golfers keep their left eye on the ball when they swing at it. My politics are decidedly right; I cannot fathom how some Americans cannot understand what's written in the Constitution...
My factory barrel has seen better days so the ole gal is going to get a new one. Rifle is used for hunting out west. What do you 300WM guys like as far as custom barrels go. I am wanting to shoot 181 Hammers. Do you recommend an 8 twist or stick with a 10. And as far as contours I was thinking a #4. What do you recommend. Thank you!

Figure out who you are going to get a barrel put on for you and give them a call and have a talk. Explain the couple of bullets you may use and let them tell you.
For what it's worth A couple months ago I talked to frank at Bartlein and he told me 10 twist was good for basically everything up to 180-215 grain.
My other 2 cents is talk to them about reamer they have for certain bullets, etc. I ended up getting a reamer made by JGS which is almost 2 months past due;(.
Research is your friend.
Figure out who you are going to get a barrel put on for you and give them a call and have a talk. Explain the couple of bullets you may use and let them tell you.
For what it's worth A couple months ago I talked to frank at Bartlein and he told me 10 twist was good for basically everything up to 180-215 grain.
My other 2 cents is talk to them about reamer they have for certain bullets, etc. I ended up getting a reamer made by JGS which is almost 2 months past due;(.
Research is your friend.
I had that conversation as well. Was told over 215 to get a 1/9.5. Seems to make perfect sense to me.
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