1 scope, multiple guns


Oct 12, 2014
Is it realistic -with a good scope mount, to be able to move a scope between multiple guns, and have them keep their ZERO's. What is realistic ?
Nope, not a realistic expectation. If you mount a scope and zero it to one rifle (and one load) and switch it to another rifle/load then I would expect a big difference in zero. You shouldn't really even expect a single rifle to have the zero with different loads, but sometimes you get lucky.
If you mean you mount a scope on one rifle and zero it then move the scope to another rifle and take note of the change in zero, will it be repeatable moving it from rifle to rifle and just applying the difference in zero...kinda, but I wouldn't expect exact.
Nope, not a realistic expectation. If you mount a scope and zero it to one rifle (and one load) and switch it to another rifle/load then I would expect a big difference in zero. You shouldn't really even expect a single rifle to have the zero with different loads, but sometimes you get lucky.
If you mean you mount a scope on one rifle and zero it then move the scope to another rifle and take note of the change in zero, will it be repeatable moving it from rifle to rifle and just applying the difference in zero...kinda, but I wouldn't expect exact.
Your 2nd statement is what I was thinking.
It may be possible to have a repeatable zero where you dial knowing B rifle is 3 moa left and 1 moa down from A rifle. But I highly doubt you will have the same zero.
If some clever engineer could solve this problem, it would put budget scope companies out of business.
I've recently tired this. I had no expectation to have a zero from one rifle to another and it wasn't. I use rails and TPS rings. Out of the three guns I use this way, I've found more variation in left and right movement than vertical. Repeatable within a click or two but I still sight in and check DOPE before going hunting. Therefore, it takes more time and ammo to operate this way but it still costs less than another $1k scope. Pick your poison.
your best chance at repeatability will be with a spuhr or MPA bolt action mount, both lock to a large portion of your picatinny.
Can't have return to zero for MULTIPLE guns. Just re-sight the gun when you swap scopes. It takes 10 minutes. For precision shooting You should be checking your zero when you get to a new hunting or shooting area if there is a significant difference in elevation. Elevation and atmospheric pressure changes the point of impact, regardless of how good your gun and ammo is.
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