Elk Hunting GMU 14 Colorado?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2009
Front Range
Hi all -

Does anyone here have experience hunting GMU 14 in Colorado?

I'll be up there for 4th season and looking to learn all i can from anyone who has hunted (or even hiked) that area before.

I've been google-searching and am learning a bit as well as studying maps and the CDOW reports and studies.

I live in Colorado and will be trying to get up that way for a look around, but learning from others is always a good thing!

Thanks in advance!
I know it, in fact, I'll be there in 10 days on a Ranching For Wildlife tag, lots of animals, be prepared to hike, big Country

I called the CDOW office there and learned a bit - mainly that there will be snow (or at least most likely) and the herds will probably be in their winter range(s).

Otherwise, I'm concentrating on Seedhouse Road and looking north from there.
Have you used the Colorado hunting atlas online? It shows summer and winter range as well as travel corridors. If memory serves me correctly you are going to have a hard time finding elk in their winter range in unit 14. I assume you chose 14 because of the wilderness area? It will be a tough hike into and out of the wilderness with a couple feet of snow on the ground.
Have you used the Colorado hunting atlas online?

Extensively. Google Earth as well.

I also bought a map which indicates same.

All that said, there is no better intel than 'boots on the ground'.

It shows summer and winter range as well as travel corridors. If memory serves me correctly you are going to have a hard time finding elk in their winter range in unit 14. I assume you chose 14 because of the wilderness area?

Do you have experience in the area? I sure would appreciate any info you would share.

The tag is left-over, OTC purchase. Also, yeah, it's some spectacular looking country. I'm hopeful to find one coming from private going to the wilderness.

It will be a tough hike into out of the wilderness with a couple feet of snow on the ground.

I'll hike in once, make camp, hunt and hike out hopefully lugging some elk quarters!!!

I'm looking forward to some snow camping - it's been a little while. I'm planning on the snow and hope it's there (my life-long hobby is snow/winter backpacking).
I've hunted thathe area the last 2 years on 2nd rifle season. 1st year we didn't see the 1st elk. Last year we saw a big herd on private land right past Seedhouse rd & Clark store. Will be there again for the 2nd rifle hunt this year as well.
I've hunted thathe area the last 2 years on 2nd rifle season. 1st year we didn't see the 1st elk. Last year we saw a big herd on private land right past Seedhouse rd & Clark store. Will be there again for the 2nd rifle hunt this year as well.


I'll be hunting 4th season rifle (i prefer snow camping/hunting) so no overlap....

Where all did you hunt? Was it north of Seedhouse? I've read there are a lot of elk in the area, but timing is crucial.

I'm trying to eliminate the areas that are just plain empty - there's a lotta ground to cover!
I've hunted off Old English Creek on 433 I believe as well as off 441 & 442. Only my 3rd time going so may be rusty on the names & road #s.
I've hunted off Old English Creek on 433 I believe as well as off 441 & 442. Only my 3rd time going so may be rusty on the names & road #s.

Thanks! Yeah, I see where you were. I was looking a good bit west of there. I'm thinking east a bit from the confluence of Willow Creek and Lester Creek.

Though i'm hopeful fsr429 will be passable i am doubtful. I'll be pulling a pulk with my gear inside so a closed road provides a cleared path at least.

I wish you luck on your hunt. I just got home yesterday & had no luck. Maybe the herd will be back in the area for your hunt. We saw 4 cows & 2 mule deer does & that was it..... It seems the herd has migrated away from there. A park Ranger stopped to check our 4wheelers & said it was crap all throughout the area & he was only aware of 1 5x5 being killed. The past 2 hunts coyotes would be howling & cutting up & you'd see them daily we never heard & saw the 1st one.

I wish you luck on your hunt. I just got home yesterday & had no luck. Maybe the herd will be back in the area for your hunt. We saw 4 cows & 2 mule deer does & that was it..... It seems the herd has migrated away from there. A park Ranger stopped to check our 4wheelers & said it was crap all throughout the area & he was only aware of 1 5x5 being killed. The past 2 hunts coyotes would be howling & cutting up & you'd see them daily we never heard & saw the 1st one.

THanks for the report mtank!

Do you remember the name of the Ranger you spoke with? I'm due to call up there again so it would be good to get as many perspectives as i can.

Sorry you didn't connect - bummer there..... I hope you had a nice time in spite of the hunting.

I'm looking forward to going and really hoping for some snow. I'd also like to put something in the freezer, but it looks i may come up short on both! I'm not too worried as it will just be nice getting out.

Happy trails!
just got home this morning at 230 am . hunted 2nd rifle season there. I did get my cow elk and a nice 4x4 buck. I do have to say there where alot of Muley around . alot of big bucks in the area this year. Elk on the other hand was a different story. I personal saw 5 bulls in different vehicle s coming out from there, either 214 or 14. Good luck let's here a good report when u get back.
just got home this morning at 230 am . hunted 2nd rifle season there. I did get my cow elk and a nice 4x4 buck. I do have to say there where alot of Muley around . alot of big bucks in the area this year. Elk on the other hand was a different story. I personal saw 5 bulls in different vehicle s coming out from there, either 214 or 14. Good luck let's here a good report when u get back.

You're probably on track with your new camo clothing choices seen over on wapiti.

I'm gonna be crying as i drag my sled along..... i'm gonna put it on rollers!
You're probably on track with your new camo clothing choices seen over on wapiti.

I'm gonna be crying as i drag my sled along..... i'm gonna put it on rollers!

best of luck to you think I did see snow for 1 day in the future forcast.
I am very fortunate that my wife and daughter love eating elk, but it seems to put that extra pressure on me there . remember those animals like to come down to eat and drink at night.
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