remington 700 trigger choices


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2014
So ive been reading about triggers and wanted to get ur guys opinions. Im looking at getting the timney rifle basix or trigger tech. I know theres not much info on the trigger techs because they are new but i really like the design of them. Any commentsvlikes or dislikes is appreciated.
For the money, I don't think you can beat the rifle basix trigger. I have a timney, a sharpshooter, and they are almost double the price of the rifle basix
I've tried quite a few. The Rifle Basix isn't bad. My RB breaks crisp at 1.5 pounds. The basic Timney is okay, but it's not the best if you like light triggers. My favorite Timney is the Calvin Elite. Otherwise, I'm spoiled by jewells.
DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT get a rifle basix. Two friends of mine have had them and both of them had multiple failures with them.

Timney is nice. But really, just get a Jewell and be done.
I do like the jewels i just wanted to get some advice on other makes before i made a decision.
I have 700's with Jewels, Timney's, and tuned, old style 700 triggers. I slso use Timneys exclusively on my Model 70's lately. All my triggers are set between 2.5-3# on my LR rigs. After years of use with all three, while all have gotten the job done, my preference is for the Timney. The break at my preferred weight is as good as the Jewel, it is very well constructed/protected, and the safety design, bolt release fit and operate like they weren't an afterthought. At half the price of the Jewel, I think the Timney is a solid value. IMO.
Check Brownell's for the Kepplinger single set trigger. I have one in a Ruger #3 custom and it is fantastic.
I have a 1/2 pound variance with my timney trigger. Goes from 2 1/4 to 2 3/4. I set it at 2.5. Is this normal? Sorry for the thread hijack.

Mine are generally tighter then that, within 1/4#, BUT, I have found variation in trigger pull gauges, particularly the electronic ones that register when the trigger breaks.
Im really leaning towards the timney i really like the design of the trigger tech also but im probably going with timney.
I replaced the modded walker trigger(standard old style remmy modded a bit) when I rebarreled my 7stw. I put a lh Timney in.... good trigger with a clean break and I got it cheap to boot...
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