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Woodchucks Near Richmond, VA


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2014
Billings, MT
I'm new to the area- moved from Idaho to attend VCU for med school. I was wondering if there are areas near Richmond that hold a pretty decent amount of woodchucks. I don't have free time often, but it would be fun to dust off the .223 if I can. Any help would be appreciated!
Im in the same boat only i live in the eastern panhandle of WV. Being from Idaho i take it you guys have praire dogs there right? I made it as far as Montana last summer and had a hard time coming home. I bet Idaho is just as nice.
I live near richmond va.(Glen allen) the best advice I can give you is take a Sunday ride out in the surrounding counties and do a little door knocking. Good groundhog places are guarded as well as good duck or deer spots. The farther from richmond the more relaxed people are to let you shoot some whistlepigs. I have permission at some places but alot of them are for me only and they are very picky. I guess there are too many rogues screwing everything up. (Driving in bean fields, drinking beer and leaving cans, shooting every other type of critter, and stealing scrap metal) good luck.
I appreciate the response- I figured it may be a a little tough finding good areas. Sounds like I've got some work to do!
Start in the Short Pump area (West side of Richmond Rt250 or better known as Broad Street) I lived there from 86-89 and out that way people are pretty nice but you have to realize that VA. is 98% privately owned they are a Commonwealth.
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