Will a 6.5 Creed work in a magnum LA?

Okie Whitetail Hunter

Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2019
I have a LA Magnum action and was wondering if a 6.5 creed will work or if the action is opened up to much? I know most people run a SA when building a creed.
The bolt face is too big in diameter.

The extractor won't engage the rim.

The rails are too far apart.

The magazine is too long unless blocked up shorter.

The follower is not the size to accommodate the shorter, smaller diameter Creedmoor cartridges.

Other than that, it just might work!:eek::D;)
I have a LA Magnum action and was wondering if a 6.5 creed will work or if the action is opened up to much? I know most people run a SA when building a creed.

It will cost more, and definitely be more work than purchasing the correct receiver. Sell or trade the magnum for a standard, SA receiver.
That's about what i figured. I do have a standard bolt for a LA as i knew about the bolt face issue. Just wasnt sure about the rails.

I guess its back to the drawing board and not using parts i have laying around.

The bolt face is too big in diameter.

The extractor won't engage the rim.

The rails are too far apart.

The magazine is too long unless blocked up shorter.

The follower is not the size to accommodate the shorter, smaller diameter Creedmoor cartridges.

Other than that, it just might work!:eek::D;)
You might be able to go with a 6.5 PRC. Someone with more Remington action experience can chime in.
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