Whitetail Widow By Lorraine Cheeka


Mar 6, 2008
For most families the autumn season brings to mind images of fall foliage, wind kissed cheeks and football. However, in my house, fall brings with it the promise of camo patterns, ground blinds, and the endless pursuit of the big buck. More to the point, for myself and a unique group of woman, November ushers in the season of the “whitetail widow”. While the plight of the aptly dubbed “football widow” has long been acknowledged, the sorority of hunting wives has gone unnoticed. In a country where football dominates the fall, wives and girlfriends don jerseys and learn the basics of the game or spend their Sundays preparing buffalo wings and nachos, while the lesser known “whitetail widow” is drawing back a bow of her own or preparing the game meat, which is the bounty of the season’s harvest. Read More...

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Congrats!!! Beautiful article, enjoyed it a lot. Cant wait to have my wife read it. It made me smile in joy several times. You are absolutely right on your statements about this beautiful tradition of hunting as a family. The recipe looks very good. Thank you very much for taking the time to write it. Really enjoyed it.
Welcome, glad to have you here. Lots of good folks and lots of good info. Enjoy.
Great article. Made Raindeer Balls last night. The entire family loved it including my picky daughter.

The recipe is at the bottom of the article....it's the name my girls have given to swedish meatballs made w/ venison. :0)
Sorry, I thought it was just another ricipe for Swedish meatballs but, I see ground venison is used so hence Raindeer balls...now I got it. Thanks.
Great read! You've described my family tradition to a tee except for one detail, my wife ventures out with me to the woods and enjoys first hand by harvesting her own deer! Thanks for sharing the recipe, we'll be trying it soon with our own venison!:D
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