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White Tails in OK.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2014
Hi fellas, anybody hunt OK. white tails? Is there any good public areas to hunt? What type of weapons are best for hunting in OK. :D I'm asking these questions because I'll soon be moving to Mustang, OK.
There are quite a few public places to hunt. Contact the Oklahoma Dept of wildlife to buy a copy of the wildlife management atlas. When you get here I can give you more info on certain areas. The whitetail hunting is very good. Where are you moving from , if you don't mind me asking?
Thanks rockytoprj, I'm in N.E. Pa. north of Scranton area. Thats good news, I was wondering how it would be out there. What type of firearms and caliber are best for where you hunt?
The hunting terrain varies depending on which part of the state you choose to hunt. Thick pine timber in S.E. part to wide open CRP and wheat fields out west. Where I live I could be just fine hunting with a 30-30 one day and a 7 mag the next. Don't really want to sound to vague but area really determines what I use. Hope this helps. Rob
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