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Ageing White Tail

The deer on our lease in Texas look just like that and most of them that size never get any wider! We have at least 3 different genetic bases, one like you show, a tall well formed, narrow rack that at fully mature barely breaks 13 inches wide, one a more squarely formed rack - horns go out more sideways and then up, and one with a much wider curved rack - not so tall in the base area. We are on the MLDP type 2 plan and have taken jaws to the state biologist for aging. For several years we were judging our deer to be younger than they actually were compared to the biologist aging. For our area a 2 1/2 year old would have a belly that goes up above the chest pan, this one is at or below chest pan with a fairly good sized chest cavity.

This deer is at least 3 1/2 years old, maybe 4 1/2. His back does not sag, at least in that picture, and his head is not overly blocky, so he is not really old, I'd say < 5 1/2. The deer in the eastern part of Texas just don't get that big and always look younger than they are. (at least compared to what our biologist ages them at)

I am sure the Texas deer we shoot look much younger than deer raised in the corn fields up north.

One way to tell is if you see him with other obviously younger deer or a group of does. That helps a lot.

Just my opinion ...
Very true dwm as I am not familiar with Texas deer obviously living here in the north. Just basing it compared to our deer up here it only looks 2 1/2 to 3 years of age. I shot a nice 8 point the other year which was 4 years of age during archery and he was much bigger bodied. Head was much blockier and definitely had a longer snout. So it was just a guess as per our standard deer. I do manage the deer on my property and I have watched some nice young buck mature into some pretty good monsters in the last 2-3 years.
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