Where is the node?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2003
The Big Country
Where is the node in this modified ladder test? 500 yards. 7 charges in .4gr increments. Wind started at 4.5 mph full value. By load 7 it was down to maybe 2mph. Load 7 is pretty hot with heavier bolt lift and some ejector wipe.


I don't care about nodes that much. But I'd load up a bunch of a load right in between 6 & 7 and shoot a 10 shot group at 500.
I agree. It's some place inbetween 6 & 7 maybe play with 6 and some different seating depths. Since 7 is showing signs of pressure, I'd be very leary of increasing the powder charge. Especially since it's only going to get hotter outside. If seating doesn't get you what your after maybe investigate some other primers. Change one variable at a time and it will show you what it likes when you get it. You are very close to it now.
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