What NF Reticle


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2008
I dont care to do a search but would like some opinion on my need for a scope. I am looking probably at a 5.5- 22 and not sure if i would do best with the np1 or 2. I am using it on white tail, mule deer, and elk. Im not in to over 1k yards and have a good rangefinder. not sure the moa difference in reticles. Thanks.
I take it your referring to the NPR1 and NPR2 and not the NP1. If you’re going to hold over using the bars I think the NPR1 (1 MOA per bar) would be the better choice. If you’re going to dial everything then either would be good. If you don’t like a busy reticle and comfortable with the bars being at 2 MOA intervals then the NPR2. The NPR2 would be a good choice if you dialed for elevation and just held off for wind it being a guess at best anyway.
NightForce definition of the NP-R1

NP-R1: Field tactical, Varmint, Long-range hunting
This is an improved version of the NP-R2, providing the user with 1 MOA measurements on the elevation bar and 2 MOA measurements on the windage bar. This improved reticle design allows the shooter to range easily and accurately.

It's important to remember that for the NP-R2 the horizontal line is divided into equal 5 MOA increment for windage.
I was refering to the NP-R , sorry. I was mainly interested in dialing but the option of holdover i shouldnt overlook. Is the NP-R1 really that busy and hard to get used too? I just got back few weeks ago from Co. and i could see where being limited to dialing could hurt for not having enough time. the hold over would sure have its place at times. im currently shooting a lupy with b&c reticle and just need more options. Thanks everyone
NPR1 and 2 are much more versatile reticles than the Leup B&C style holdover reticles, IMO. Most guys that purchase NF's here for LRH get the NPR1 or NPR2. Not too busy at all, especially if you understand them. They are not 'holdover' reticles per say, although could be used for that with in conjuction a program like exbal.
I have thge NPR-2 reticle in my Nightforce scopes and prefer the NPR-2 over the NPR-1. IMHO they are too close and it makes for a very busy reticle. I acctualy prefer a Mil reticle with Mil Turrets and the Nightforce Mil reticle is one of my favorites. The Nightforce Mil reticle uses 1/4 Mil circles that you can see through makeing it a very user friendly reticle
Now i am going to let every one know how stupid i am. I currently use a ballastic cal. for droppage and match up with my hash marks on b&c ret. Now say i get one of these nf was wondering about dialing in the same way. I really dont understand moa, like when shawn was going to shoot that bull at 1344 yards he dialed in 37.50 moa that lost me. How can i learn this or can i just carry a sheet saying 1344 yards needs 100 clicks and just dial?
Now i am going to let every one know how stupid i am. I currently use a ballastic cal. for droppage and match up with my hash marks on b&c ret. Now say i get one of these nf was wondering about dialing in the same way. I really dont understand moa, like when shawn was going to shoot that bull at 1344 yards he dialed in 37.50 moa that lost me. How can i learn this or can i just carry a sheet saying 1344 yards needs 100 clicks and just dial?

Hey Mike

Take a look at this may help somewhat.

Western Shooter - Online Shooting Magazine: Using and Understanding Minute of Angle (MOA)
Now i am going to let every one know how stupid i am. I currently use a ballastic cal. for droppage and match up with my hash marks on b&c ret. Now say i get one of these nf was wondering about dialing in the same way. I really dont understand moa, like when shawn was going to shoot that bull at 1344 yards he dialed in 37.50 moa that lost me. How can i learn this or can i just carry a sheet saying 1344 yards needs 100 clicks and just dial?

You might order Shawn's first video:

Long Range Hunting DVD
I need a little help also, please. I just ordered a Kimber Montana 300WSM with a Nighforce NP-R2 5.5x22x56. My question is, does anyone have an idea or a table for the 2MOA markings below the zero point for range? I'll sight the gun in at 200 yards and the only compensation I'm comfortable with now is holdover. This rifle is for hunting, so I fill holdover provides me faster reaction time. I'll be shooting Federal 165 grain Trophy bonded Tips. I've looked online and even called Nightforce but no luck. I know I should go to the range and figure this out myself, but I though someone would already have a little insight into this. Any ideas or suggests would be appreciated. Thanks!
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