What die setup to use for ultra mag cases in Lee presses?

Max Heat

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
Remington County, PA
I'm loading 7RUM rounds in a load master press. Since Lee does not (yet, anyways) make a powder charging die that can handle the RUM case, I am using a Dillon die, which overcomes the problem. But it creates another problem, which is attaching the Lee perfect powder measure to it solidly. The Dillon die doesn't have any threads or anything at the top end, only a notch in the OD near the top, providing a small "lip" . I am using an "afro-engineered" (maybe "redneck-engineered' would be a more politically correct term) solution for now, but would like to know what the REAL fix is for this dilema.

Is Lee's "universal" rifle powder charging die made of soft-enough steel to allow it to be [hand] drilled out to a slightly larger inside diameter (it only needs to be enlarged by a very small amount)?

Is Lee doing anything to address the problem, such as changing the specs on it's universal die to a slightly larger ID?

Are there any other solutions that work reasonable well?
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if you cannot find a proper die to fit I would not modify, MHO.
go to a single stage press that is all I use for rifle. Pistol is deffinatly a progressive issue.
Just how I do it
Even with the 5-stage press, I normally don't do all of the stages at the same time anyways, when it comes to rifle cartridges Typically, I do the sizing and priming stages together. THEN I do the powder charging, charge verification, and bullet seating stages, the next time through the press. Dropping of the powder is done manually, instead of through a mechanical connection to the press's action.

I think I do agree that it probably best not to mess with trying to alter the slightly-too-small lee powder die. It looks like I'll have to find a good solid way to attach the lee powder measure to the dillon die, making THAT into a truly "universal" rifle powder charging rig, which WILL handle big brass. I just don't see the point in buying more presses
Is Lee's "universal" rifle powder charging die made of soft-enough steel to allow it to be [hand] drilled out to a slightly larger inside diameter (it only needs to be enlarged by a very small amount)?

Is Lee doing anything to address the problem, such as changing the specs on it's universal die to a slightly larger ID?

Are there any other solutions that work reasonable well?

I'm sure there some creative "engineers" who would be able to create an adapter with the ID and OD thread measurements you require... that is as long as you can keep your 'redneck' inside your collar.

Actually I can't hold a candle to some of the folks around here, when it comes to "redness". When it comes to engineering, my own mentality is probably more along the lines of "Macgyver".

The problem with creating an adapter is that the pitch of the powder measure threads is about 10tpi, which is waaay coarse for the diameter - completely non-standard. The only possible option that I see, is to cut down the OD of the knurled aluminum drop-tube locking nut that screws onto those plastic threads, allowing it to be press-fit into the top end of the dillon die, with a small flange left at the top, to prevent it from being pressed too far down into the die. This will lock the plastic (bottom end is flared) drop-tube inside of the die, but that should not be an issue, as long as care is taken to properly adjust the depth of the die into the turret, for the length of the cartridge being charged.

That is basically what I already tried to do, But in not having a lathe to "chuck" it into and do it properly, I attempted to do it using only hand tools. Eventually it loosened up too much from usage. I suppose I could remedy the problem by epoxying it in.
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