Western draw number due to virus


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
NW indiana
Maybe this isn't the right sub forum so feel free to move it if needed. Anyway, just curious what everyone thinks the virus and effect on the economy will do to the western states applications and big game draws? I'm specifically talking Colorado, because their deadline is 4/7 idk if other states deadline was before the big shutdown and people losing jobs. I'm blessed to still have my job, and I don't see me being shut down but my wife and several friends have lost a significant amount of income due to the effects of this virus. My opinion only here, but from what I'm seeing, I almost think that if you're able to afford the tags you might be able to draw a slightly better unit this year because of this. I have 0 points since I just started western hunting last year.

What is everyone's opinion on this?
It's possible, time will tell. Otherwise we just guess and assume.

Put in for them-- you can always return for refund of $ or points 30 days prior to the hunt date-- you still pay/loose the $7 processing fee though -- but the tags are the cheap part of hunting.

Actually, no dont put in for tags-- then my chances get better ;)

My wife lost her job due to cv19, I'm just planning on a DIY camp on nat/forest hunt if I get my tag this year-- that is assuming that flights are still restricted and we cant go on our anaversary trip that we paid for 6 weeks ago (hindsight)
Life goes on, just in a slightly different way
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