wast of money for new army weopon

So Nam was a triumphant victory then?

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It wasn't the grunts, their weapons, or their tactics that allowed for the down fall of Viet Nam, we won the war on the ground. It was the *****'s in the government and the traitors in the news media that caused us the war. Just like they are doing now with the war in Iraq, they report few if any of the accomplishments only the negative.
When you talk to the men returning from the war zone they can't believe the half truths and out right lies the press tells.

After being on the pointy end of 'Nam...........

As the saying goes, "follow the money"!

Vietnam wasn't about preventing Communism. It was about "them" getting their money from the rubber plantations. "They" did not want them "nationalized" by the communists. And, I didn't want anything to do with their civil war.

BTW: "they" and "them" are us, in Washington, DC.

And, it's pretty hard to like "civilians", when a 12 year old that has been bringing cokes to your truck for a couple months, suddenly throws a grenade in, because a VC gave her $20.(Or, said her parents (family, village) would be killed).

What we need to do is go in, kick ***, and go home, period.
But, just like 'Nam, guess what we're not doing?

Again, "FOLLOW THE MONEY"!!!!!

Just my opinion, and I could be wrong.
C'ya, John
since we first started this new "modern warfare", how many wars have been won? zero.

thats enuf for me. we need to drop the hammer.
It seems to me at least, that these days the United States ever since Korea fights is wars almost apologizing along the way to the enamy. Our enamies know this and use it to their fullest advantage. Want to win a war you are in with America? simple dont fight it out in a nice civilian free desert, with our air and land forces that is tantamount to commiting suiside. No get us involved in an insurgantcy type or gorrila war in among civilains and sooner or lator you will win. Especially if you are willing to accept getting unlimited numbers of your oun soldiers and civilian killed doinng so.

Durring Israels last war into lebinon, the lebinease(sp?) people built all kinds of houses, schools and so on in and around prime high value targets that thay knew 100% would be bombed or shelled in the event of war with the Jews. But did the rest of the world take that into consideration, nope. all thay said was the Israelies were slaughtering far more so callen innocent civilains than terrorists. Immagine that.

In short just place all of your high value targets in high dencity population centers or better yet use your high value targets as civilain air rade shelters, and after thay drag out enough dead woman and children, you will have to start to fight the war on your enamies terms, and you will loose.

My idea of a less than leathal weapon is only one CBU droped on your enamies position as oposed to ten. America had better wake up or we will have our SECOND Viet Nam on our hands.

Untill America starts to fight this war like we did in WW-II with the same mind set as a whole poeple of defeating the enamy regaurdless of how costly it is to THEM, we will continue to fare poorly. Im not advokating whole sale slaughter of civilians, but if the same civilians refuse to get out of the way, or are doing so in order to aid and comfort our enamy, then thay are by deffinition, no longer civilians and are far game.
So Nam was a triumphant victory then?

[/ QUOTE ]
It wasn't the grunts, their weapons, or their tactics that allowed for the down fall of Viet Nam, we won the war on the ground. It was the *****'s in the government and the traitors in the news media that caused us the war. Just like they are doing now with the war in Iraq, they report few if any of the accomplishments only the negative.
When you talk to the men returning from the war zone they can't believe the half truths and out right lies the press tells.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sad but true.Between the medias agenda and politicians interfering/restricting with military operation its futile.No military can function with this kind of support (or lack of).
Having a son in Afghanistan, I pray constantly for his safe return. This weapon is fine for use here in Con USA.

No one wants to see innocent civilians die, but if enemy is hiding in the crowd all your are doing is giving them another chance at killing a US soldier.

I say take the media out of the war zone and let the USA fight this war to win it and get these troops home!

I hope your son the best. Hope he comes home soon and ok.

Not sure what you're suggesting as far as civilians in a war zone though. Or the 'New Army Weapon'. What is that?
Thanks for the kind words, the topic starter posted a link about the weapon on page 1 the very first post.

Frank D
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