waist/fanny pack


New Member
Oct 20, 2010
I have been looking at the LL Bean waist pack and was wondering if anyone has tried them?
I am not familiar with that particular pack but I do use a fanny pack while hunting on occassion. I have found a wide belt system is mandatory and don't expect it to carry alot of weight or replace a day pack. I mostly use mine for the final stock with a little extra water, range finder etc. Just enough so my pockets don't get too full and I have a soft pack to lay my rifle across for the shot.

I think this is my 100th post! Maybe I will win a prize?
Have not seen the fanny pac
but i do use one
I only keep a bit of para cord, fire starting stuff, flash light and head lamp, extra bullets, and my knives and bone saw in it
that way if I get something down close to camp or the truck/4 wheeler I can just grab and go.
Thanks Guys. 1911 That is exactly what I want one for especially something soft to rest my rifle.I will attach a rest to the front.gun)

I use a Mountain Smith Day Lumbar pac and have hunted with it for over 20 years. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I can lash a jacket to the outside of it and can carry everything I need in it for a days worth of hunting.

I usually have a knife, 10 rounds of ammo, 24 ounces of water, two cliff bars, a windproof lighter, small digital camera, gloves, stocking cap, headlamp, and a road flare with me.

It hasn't failed me yet.
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