Rich B
New Member
So here it is, this is my first post anywhere. I am just starting to research into the sport of long range target shooting. Leaning towards F-Class Open competition in the future. I have been researching the different types of rounds used in these types of competitions and I like the way the 6.5x 284 Norma is performing. What I dont get is the name of the round. Why is it called 6.5x 284 if it is really a 6.7x .264. Did the manufacturer just round down the 6.7 to 6.5? That would make sense to me but whats up with the 284? I am also looking at starting this sport with the Savage 12 Benchrest rifle so any opinions on this would be appreciated as well. I have done a ton of reading on many aspects of long range shooting and my vocabulary is growing fast but I am still a newbie so please try and keep that in mind when replying to this thread. Thanks