Whacked a big, really big Alabama doe this morning. About120-130 pounds on the hoof. Broadside at 150 yards, 85 grain Hammer Hunter from 6.5 Grendel. Bullet entered couple of inches back of where I wanted it, but solid upper lung hit. Scrambled both lungs after inspection from field dressing. The deers reaction was legs buckled but she didn't go down. Turned and ran with the rest of the group of twelve deer. Watched as she ran at least 80 yards before going over a rise on the power line cut. We expected her to be just over the rise. Nope, no blood at impact site or down the cut line. I walked the pine thicket edge until I found where deer had turned up the pine needles and walked into the thick pines. 20 yards in I found the first blood, it was heavy and easy to follow for another 90 yards. Total of about 180 to 200 yards until recovery. With blood only in the last 90 . I've killed a bunch of deer with hammer bullets, but larger ones. 120 in 7-08 and 124 in 6.5 CM. All either DRT or running with their nose in the ground for15 to 20 yards. Impact velocity was 2575, still lots of energy. Did I just run into Super Nanny ? Or have I gone to light of bullet. Anyone else shoot this weight, and what is your experience with them?