
Ian M

Well-Known Member
May 3, 2001
Sask. Canada
I would be interested in reading a few comments about scope turrets. To my way of thinking, Leupold makes four styles of turrets, the VariX II's that have mushy, no click movement and are covered by caps, the VariX III's that have clicks but not a hell of a lot of latitude and are also covered with a cap (these first two are hunting scopes, period), the target turrets that also have caps but offer much more range and more distinct clicks (seems to be two styles, tapered and straight sided turrets) and the big tactical turrets that are not covered, offer the most movement range, and are extremely accurate and repeatable. These are on MK4's and the 30mm long range tactical variable scopes. There is also a unique turret on the MK4 M3 that has covers, uses a cam.

We find that the tactical turrets need a bit of time to wear-in, the more we use them the crisper the clicks get. This has something to do with the rubber rings seating I was told. We usually take ten minutes and rotate new turrets all the way up and down, left and right a few times to get them "clickier".

I have not had to do this with my Nightforce NXS scopes, nor a great old B&L Tactical - they snap each click really crisp. Have played with US Optics and felt them to be very crisp, not sure about accuracy and repeatability but they should be perfect given the price of those scopes. I use a Nikon 6-20 that also has very crisp clicks - superb optics. Find the Burris Black Diamond turrets to be crisp, seem to be accurate and repeatable but I have not worked them as much as the Leupolds and NXS's.

The big tactical turrets will spoil a person, they are very impressive performers. I have not used the target turrets nearly as much, would be interested to hear about their accuracy and repeatability.

Do you guys have the same opinion about Leupold adjustments - that they become better with use?

Interested in comments about accuracy of adjustments (do you get 1/4 inch when you put on a click?) and how well they return to a zero. There have been some interesting stories published about the inaccuracy of scope adjustments - that you don't get one minute of adjustment at long range like you expect to. The tests I am referring to took place some time ago, are current scopes bang-on?
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