Turrets 101


Mar 6, 2008
From the time of the first flintlock until the early 1990s, shooting past 300 yards wasn't much more than a guess. Even if you got lucky and guessed the yardage just right, and you happened to know exactly how much your bullet would drop at that distance (let's assume 13 inches), you still had to estimate what 13 inches of hair and air looked like through a 3-9x scope! Even after the laser rangefinder eliminated the need to guess the distance, it took a few years before hunters realized how much inaccuracy was caused by trying to estimate how much to hold over the intended target. When optics manufacturers finally introduced ballistic reticles and ballistic turrets, it was only a matter of a few years before these models became the #1 sellers.

This is a thread for discussion of the article, Turrets 101, By Chris Denham. Here you can ask questions or make comments about the article.
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I recently purchased the G7 BR2, which will give me the information to set either a MOA ( after entering all the setup info for my rifle, bullet etc. ) setting or a shoot to range on a custom turret. With this information, I can't see the benefit of a custom turret when I can dial to the correct MOA setting with my Vortex scope. Any comment would be appreciated.
Thanks, Mike
In talking about different custom turrets, the article states this about Swarovski:

"Swarovski Optik
Working in conjunction with the Outdoorsmans, the patented Swarovski turret cap is the only one offered directly by an optics manufacturer."

Hasn't Leupold been offering this with their CDS turrets for quite a few years now?
This was an interesting article. However, I do have questions.

There is quite a difference between the quality in several areas between a scope costing $250.00 and $2500.00 -- one of which might be the repeatability of the crosshair adjustments. I'm not the person who can afford a $2500.00 scope or even one costing $1000.00 -- therefore my question.

I've just bought a Leupold VariX II in 3x9 CDS and because of its relatively inexpensive price, was concerned about the repeatability of its crosshair adjustments and I haven't been able to get the range yet to test it.

I'm also in the market for a Vortex Viper HS LR because of its reputation of adjustment repeatability but haven't yet bought one!

My question -- has anyone done any tests on their own scopes at the various price points on the crosshair adjustment repeatability?

I have started out with the cheaper option, just trying to figure out what it really takes to shoot long range. We are shooting a Remington 700 7 mm 08 varmint. This gives us a 26" heavy barrel. Accuracy seems good so far. For the scope I started with a Nikon Buckmasters 4.5-14x with the BDC reticle. Using this with a Nikon Monarch 800 range finder and the isnipe ballistics app, I could tell quick that the BDC circles would just get us within a close guess of where to aim. My 13 y.o. Son actually got a nice mule deer at 454 yards using this setup. But when it was time to shoot there was too much guessing on where between the circles to hold. Since 454 exactly was not on our cheat sheet.
Following some of these blogs I found a post saying Monarch replacement MOA turrets would fit our Buckmaster scope. I ordered a set of 1/4 MOA Monarch turrets and they dropped right into place on the Buckmasters scope. Nice alignment and nice crisp clicks. We have now shot this setup out to 700 yards, hanging steel. With a first attempt hit on the 700 yard steel. So far return to zero has seemed good. But that is my big question on this scope that I wil be trying to figure out. How good is the repeatability? Heading back to the range (google spirit ridge rifle golf) tomorrow to try more long range clicking in. And more specifically, return to zero. Will post again.
Made it out today. Shot 3 different load increments, 162 amax 2000 MR powder, 3 shot groups of each at 100 yards. Chronographed these loads, then did some long range shooting on hanging steel plates at 500, 600 & 800 yards. Using the isnipe app for elevation adjustment. Had some first shot hits at 500 and 600. Didn't hit at 800 with 5 or 6 attempts. Dialed back to zero for another 3 shot group with a good return to zero. The Buckmaster seems to track good for me.

I do have a cheap bushnell banner 3-9 x 40 BDC on another rifle. This was an "upgrade" from the cheap Simmons scope that came with it. I wanted something with a little bit better optics. This is my short 20" barrel light weight brush gun, wasn't planning any long range for this setup. I went the extra $10 or so for the BDC option just to see if it might work at that cheap a price point. It comes with a set of prestamped turrets, each with it's own letter. You pick the letter that is the closest match to the load you are shooting. I zeroed it to shoot 3" high at 100 yds, Then dialed elevation up and was able to hit steel at 500 yds. After dialing back to zero and shooting again, point of impact was now 3 1/4" higher than my original zero. It does seem to hold a good zero once I have it set, as long as I leave it there. The clicks on it are pretty sloppy, kind of hard to tell when each click happens. Looks like this will stay a 300 yard and under rig. Which still has put some venison on the table the last couple of years.
In pretty sure that this is one of the best articles I've ever read. This is extremely helpful to a newbie like me (newbie of long distance shooting/hunting). I have sent this to both my Dad and Brother.
Very interesting but have some questions:
I´m about to buy a Swarovski Z5 3.5-18 x 44 BT 4W scope for a 300 Win. Mag. hunting rifle and would appreciate your comments on what BT ring to get. The Z5 has an limit of 58 MOA on the BT turret´s elevation which is not bad for a hunting scope as far as I want reach out.
Will use factory ammo since I can´t get powder to make my own and what powder I have is saved to load my 270 Win that I use locally on Deer. The ammo to use is Federal Trophy Bonded Tip 180 grain bullet on the 300 WM and looking to buy a BT ring from Outdoorsman's for the Z5 scope.
What BT ring should I order, as it must match several requirements like: caliber, scope height, bullet, muzzle velocity, ballistic coefficient, ALTITUDE and temperature and here is where I´m stuck !!!
These two constraints that I need help on are Altitude and Temperature. Hunting situations take you to different setups and the altitude or elevation above sea level is the most important. Can´t order BT rings for every altitude because this would not be economical so a compromise must be assumed since I would like to reach out somewhere around 650 yards max.
Should I get a Custom turret mark in yards or one with MOA ???
Should I get one for zero elevation (see level) and another for lets say 6000 ft elevation ???
Appreciate your comments, thanks
the one thing i never understood about custom turrets marked with yardage is the inconsistent variables. sure the constants are easy to account for, like muzzle velocity, ballistic coefficient, bullet type, bullet weight, ect. When you live in a place where one day of hunting season can be a beautiful 50 degree day with no wind and the next day be 20 degrees and snowing like crazy with a 30 mph wind it leaves me to question this type of turret. And the unit i do most of my hunting in has elevation changes from around 1350 to 2300. This dosnt seem like a big change and its really not, but if i was to ever draw a elk tag it would take me to the opposite end of the state where the elevation would jump to 4000 to 6300 ish. With all that said, personally i am not a fan of yardage marked turrets. If i was to confirm my zero on a nice day for a elk hunt with a yardage marked turret then drive across the state and conditions change dramatically and i get in some higher elevation and see a big elk at say 650 yards and dial to 650 on my turret, would it be a hit or miss when i squeeze off a round? my money is on a big miss. i have played around with this type of scenario on a ballistic calculator and it usually was a miss. in a few not as extreme cases it was a wounded animal. After looking at these variables i went with a kestrel 4500 nv with horus ballistics and a moa turret and i couldnt be happier with the results, consistant hits in all conditions!
so i have a swarovski habicht 6-24x50 w a bell focal adjustment. anyone know someone who makes a custom turret for it? swaro and kenton dont...
i currently have a leupold tape on it for a hold over # and have killed out to 850 and 865. i'd like to increase my abilities and i think this would only help...
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