Tucker Carlson smacks down a moron

Yeah, that's pretty much what he meant. He's as big of a *** as any. Wonder how many skeletons he has hidden in his closet waiting to be exposed... Wonder how much Soros and Bloomberg money he's getting for running? Why is he not a cop anymore?
Why he is not still a law enforcement officer??? that's a question I have been thinking about all evening. Is he a man who couldn't stand up to the pressure of the job? Could he physically not handle it?? Or...could he be a lazy coward who just wants to hide behind the radical masses and use his " self confidence" to build up hopes of other weak minds in hopes of becoming a "hero" to this new anti weapons movement?? this might sound like a uneducated post but I'm kinda worked up over this kind of behavior lately and I'm really having a hard time getting out what I want to say. does this ramble make any sense?
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Bingo. This is much bigger and more extravagant than even most of the leftist sheeple would be capable of comprehension.
Why he is not still a law enforcement officer??? that's a question I have been thinking about all evening. Is he a man who couldn't stand up to the pressure of the job? Could he physically not handle it?? Or...could he be a lazy coward who just wants to hide behind the radical masses and use his " self confidence" to build up hopes of other weak minds in hopes of becoming a "hero" to this new anti weapons movement?? this might sound like a uneducated post but I'm kinda worked up over this kind of behavior lately and I'm really having a hard time getting out what I want to say. does this ramble make any sense?

exactly what I was thinking. His web page said "former police officer and community organizer"
exactly what I was thinking. His web page said "former police officer and community organizer"
What other gigantic prolapsed rectum do we know of who was a "community organizer"???

I'll give you a hint... We just got rid of his *** after 8 years of running this country into the ground.

I wonder who's paying for this guy's community organization expenses? Most likely George Soros. He's behind almost all "community organizing" lies and falsehoods that the left/libs do and push... Antifa, Obama, Hillary, Black Lies Matter, By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), white guilt, social justice, #MeToo (which was designed by feminists to ruin men's lives), etc...

The very LAST thing this country needs is more Democrat community organizers in positions of power.
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What other gigantic prolapsed rectum do we know of who was a "community organizer"???

I'll give you a hint... We just got rid of his *** after 8 years of running this country into the ground.

I wonder who's paying for this guy's community organization expenses? Most likely George Soros. He's behind almost all "community organizing" lies and falsehoods that the left/libs do and push... Antifa, Obama, Hillary, Black Lies Matter, By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), white guilt, social justice, etc...

The very LAST thing this country needs is more Democrat community organizers in positions of power.

I think it's hilariously stupid that the politicians keep attacking the NRA. It really is pretty pathetic, I got a challenge for someone, check to see where the gun industry (don't count defense companies as they're in a different sector) ranks in money spent on political activity? I'd be willing to bet it's not in the top ten. The NRA doesn't deliver money, it delivers votes. Another challenge, check probability of NRA member voting vs average American voting. I'd be willing to bet NRA members are more likely to vote. But you have to attack the "establishment" because it just looks bad when a politician says "F my constituents".
I think it's hilariously stupid that the politicians keep attacking the NRA. It really is pretty pathetic, I got a challenge for someone, check to see where the gun industry (don't count defense companies as they're in a different sector) ranks in money spent on political activity? I'd be willing to bet it's not in the top ten. The NRA doesn't deliver money, it delivers votes. Another challenge, check probability of NRA member voting vs average American voting. I'd be willing to bet NRA members are more likely to vote. But you have to attack the "establishment" because it just looks bad when a politician says "F my constituents".

gun control is about population control, and population control is the founding principle of the new world order since the end of ww2. Liberty, independence, and self-determination are the old order, and only exist in theory anymore. Now it's all about firstly controlling information, flooding everything with propaganda in the so-called "news", in the schools, subtly in tv and movies (although that has become so overt that most movies now are just bludgeoning us with Correctness Indoctrination) and then watch the morons march toward the edge of the Totalitarian Cliff at the maniac urging of their politicians (commissars). I'd make the lemming comparison, but the rodents don't actually rush over the edge to their own demise like indoctrinated leftists do.

So, most people don't have their own ideas anymore, and that's what the politicians and their masters want, because it is the cornerstone of mass population control.

And for those of us on whom the information control has failed, who still do possess our own ideas and question this "progress" to global tyranny, well, the second step is controlling actions, or the ability to act. And that is gun control. people like us are not supposed to have access to guns - the rulers want to remove that right for the same reason our founding fathers insisted on having it. http://www.elcivics.com/us_declaration_preamble.html And it's even better yet for them when they can set the indoctrinated "attack sheep" against us to demand gun control and mouth the words that were put in their empty heads. THen the propaganda can gleefully talk about how everyone wants tyranny of their own free will. And of course, the act of bearing one's own personal arms was always through history the proof of an individual being a "free man", but they want to disarm us not just for symbolic reasons. Disarmed slaves cannot protest much when they get herded into the boxcars for their "wrongthink". https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/34738-and-how-we-burned-in-the-camps-later-thinking-what
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gun control is about population control, and population control is the founding principle of the new world order since the end of ww2. Liberty, independence, and self-determination are the old order, and only exist in theory anymore. Now it's all about firstly controlling information, flooding everything with propaganda in the so-called "news", in the schools, subtly in tv and movies (although that has become so overt that most movies now are just bludgeoning us with Correctness Indoctrination) and then watch the morons march toward the edge of the Totalitarian Cliff at the maniac urging of their politicians (commissars). I'd make the lemming comparison, but the rodents don't actually rush over the edge to their own demise like indoctrinated leftists do.

So, most people don't have their own ideas anymore, and that's what the politicians and their masters want, because it is the cornerstone of mass population control.

And for those of us on whom the information control has failed, who still do possess our own ideas and question this "progress" to global tyranny, well, the second step is controlling actions, or the ability to act. And that is gun control. people like us are not supposed to have access to guns - the rulers want to remove that right for the same reason our founding fathers insisted on having it. http://www.elcivics.com/us_declaration_preamble.html And it's even better yet for them when they can set the indoctrinated "attack sheep" against us to demand gun control and mouth the words that were put in their empty heads. THen the propaganda can gleefully talk about how everyone wants tyranny of their own free will. And of course, the act of bearing one's own personal arms was always through history the proof of an individual being a "free man", but they want to disarm us not just for symbolic reasons. Disarmed slaves cannot protest much when they get herded into the boxcars for their "wrongthink". https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/34738-and-how-we-burned-in-the-camps-later-thinking-what

Yeah, I've noticed that independent/deep thinking is a lost art this day and age. Too attached to the constant stimulation of our devices.
gun control is about population control, and population control is the founding principle of the new world order since the end of ww2. Liberty, independence, and self-determination are the old order, and only exist in theory anymore. Now it's all about firstly controlling information, flooding everything with propaganda in the so-called "news", in the schools, subtly in tv and movies (although that has become so overt that most movies now are just bludgeoning us with Correctness Indoctrination) and then watch the morons march toward the edge of the Totalitarian Cliff at the maniac urging of their politicians (commissars). I'd make the lemming comparison, but the rodents don't actually rush over the edge to their own demise like indoctrinated leftists do.

So, most people don't have their own ideas anymore, and that's what the politicians and their masters want, because it is the cornerstone of mass population control.

And for those of us on whom the information control has failed, who still do possess our own ideas and question this "progress" to global tyranny, well, the second step is controlling actions, or the ability to act. And that is gun control. people like us are not supposed to have access to guns - the rulers want to remove that right for the same reason our founding fathers insisted on having it. http://www.elcivics.com/us_declaration_preamble.html And it's even better yet for them when they can set the indoctrinated "attack sheep" against us to demand gun control and mouth the words that were put in their empty heads. THen the propaganda can gleefully talk about how everyone wants tyranny of their own free will. And of course, the act of bearing one's own personal arms was always through history the proof of an individual being a "free man", but they want to disarm us not just for symbolic reasons. Disarmed slaves cannot protest much when they get herded into the boxcars for their "wrongthink". https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/34738-and-how-we-burned-in-the-camps-later-thinking-what

I guess I also find it incredibly disappointing that anyone would want to give up their rights to self-determination and independent thinking. Not just because of the sacrifice that people have had to make to allow us to maintain this right, but they cheat themselves. They cheat themselves out of what they can create or become, simply because they don't have the will, the intelligence, or the drive to get more out of life; they would rather be entertained. Reminds of how the Roman Emperors used to engage in population control, bread and circuses. Give the people just enough to take the edge off and then stimulate them with entertainment so they forget their problems.
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