Trying to get smart boar hog

Nice hog and sexy rifle. I'm from Ga and moved to Mt 24 years ago hunted hogs as a kid and you are correct we don't want them here but I'd love to hunt them they do make good eating and my wife wants to slay several
My wife has killed quite a few with her trusty 22-250. She puts one right in their ear and down they go.


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My SOP is simple....

I have four feeders that feed plain old corn at 8 PM, 10 PM and midnight every night year-round. Each feeds about a pound of corn a day each. For the most part, I'm feeding the local deer herd and wild turkey flock, but this does get the pigs attention when they travel through our pasture. All four feeders have cell cameras on them so I can see what's going on at the feeders without having to drive out to the pasture.

Once I start getting pigs coming to a feeder (or feeders) on a somewhat frequent basis, I'll drive the 90 miles to the pasture. I'll throw about 5 lbs of corn on the ground around the feeder(s) the pigs have been frequenting, focusing the corn on my shooting spot at each feeder. I'll also scatter the corn quite a bit to make the work for it. A sounder of 10 pigs can pickup 5 lbs of corn very quickly if you don't scatter it a bit.

I've got a set shooting spot at 50 yards for all my feeders for a south wind and a north wind. I hunt with a 6.5 Grendel SBR. When I proof my SBR, I'm conscious of which feeder the pigs are coming to and where they are most like coming from. If the pigs are coming to the feeder up near the camp house, I'll proof my SBR at the very far corner of the pasture as far away as I can. If they are coming to the feeder down on the river bottom, I proof my SBR up at the camp which is as far away as I can get from that feeder.

At about 7 PM, I'll load the dogs up in the SUV and drive to my sitting spot where my scent won't foul any of the feeders. I'll sit there in the SUV in air conditioned or heated comfort as the season may warrant drinking coffee or a soda listening to XM radio and surfing the internet, checking my email, etc. waiting for the pigs to show up. I park up on a hill so I can scan our 20-acre field for pigs. I don't catch them out their often, but when I do it's like a firefight broke out when I open up on them. I hunt with a suppressor, and even with supersonic rounds, the pigs have a habit of either stopping at about 50 yards and just standing there waiting to die or actually running right at me as I'm popping rounds off at them. Sometimes I get lucky, and the pigs show up right after 7:30 pm, but most times it's between 10 PM and 2 AM before they show up. Pigs can't tell time; they are on their own schedule. You need to be prepared to wait. You might as well wait in comfort.

I used to hunt out of tripods and portable ground blinds, but you can only hunt one feeder at a time that way. Sitting in my SUV, I can hunt as many as five feeders at a time. Hunting this way increases my odds of seeing pigs hunting than if I was only sitting at one feeder in a blind.

Once I do get a picture from one of my feeders showing the pigs are there, I beat feet to the designated shooting spot based on the wind direction. It could be a quick 200-yard could be a quarter-mile hike. Though pigs don't have the best night vision, I try to avoid hunting with over a quarter moon. I've killed a lot of pigs under a full moon, but we have a lot of deer on our property, and the less moon the better. With a new moon I've had deer walk to within 10 yards of me before they just couldn't stand it. With a full moon, even with the wind to my advantage, I've had deer get up on me. They aren't sure what I was, and they didn't want to find out either. One short for a wary old doe with pigs nearby and it's over for the night. We also have cows on the property, and they have better night vision than deer do. I have to be careful not to spook them if I have to walk near them to get to a shooting spot. In short, the less moon the better if you're stalking pigs at a feeder or in an open field.

Also, try to stay in the shadows, especially if there is a moon up. Don't be afraid to hunt in the rain. The wet ground makes it easier to be quieter. Be very certain of the wind direction. I carry a wind checker just to be absolutely certain of the wind direction especially when the winds are very light. Deer have very good night vision and hearing at night, but pigs have them beat hands down when it comes to a sense of smell. Once you hear the first pig growl, that's the end of your pig hunting that night, regardless if it was you or not that the pig growled at.

I hunt with an AR. The first shot is the easy shot. It's off a set of shooting sticks. After the first shot, the pigs will scatter and try to regroup. Track and follow and remember there are 19 rounds or more STILL IN THE CLIP! Don't be afraid to pull the trigger again. Learn to lead and put rounds on target. Even the little ones can get up to about 20 mph. A full-grown pig can do 30 mph easy.

Sorry for the novelette.... I've killed about 150 pigs over the last 5 years, and the above is the "secret" to my success. My "success" pales in comparison to my cousin's though. His pasture is across the creek from me. He's probably killed twice the number of pigs I have in the same amount of time. His "bait" is a 20-acre hay meadow. They have to run a long way to make it to cover if he catches them out in the middle of his hay patch. He would have probably killed even more if he would learn to lead them a little more. He just can't hit squat running at 30 mph in all different direction at night. :)

Good luck with Spot!


Try having someone drive you in put out feed leave you in the blind and let them drive away. Had a deer that was hearing the truck pull in and would come out ten minutes after pulling out. Had someone go in with me stay with me in the blind as normal then they left. To bad for the deer, I did not. They don't stay alive by being stupid.
I've got a lone boar hog that I cannot get to come in consistently. I've been after him going on three years now. He shows up 1-3 times a week. One week he's there three random nights and another week he might show up once or twice. He is nocturnal year round. If I put out some crushed sugar beats or something similar and he finds it, he will come back to it but it's never the same time and sometimes not the next day. I've tried trapping him but he's wise to the trap as I'm sure other neighbors have traps as well. I've sat many nights trying to get him. He either won't come or knows I am there and he will show up 30 min to an hour after I leave. Does anyone have any suggestions I can try to get him coming in reliably? I have also tried soured corn, pig jam, jello mix, and several other off the shelf products. I will tip my hat to him as he didn't get as big and old as he is by being dumb.
Shoot a Sow, bust her out and get some scent, get a raincoat and put the Sows hide over you. Guante that the bore will come to you. If you can't get him that way We will come over and get him
If you are hunting a lone certain animal, Like the bore you are hunting. You have to change your plans too. Having a partner go in with you, And then he leave will work. If you have enough clear area. Find a place that you can move to 200 yds or more from the bait. And have a good place to shoot from. If there is good cover near the bait, He may be laying where he can hear or smell other hogs coming in. Hogs are not exact time eaters, They will eat any time. As long as they feel safe.
A bore hog like any male, If you can get some sow in heat scent around, He will think with his lower head, And become a corps very quick and easy. Good Luck in your quest.
Try having someone drive you in put out feed leave you in the blind and let them drive away. Had a deer that was hearing the truck pull in and would come out ten minutes after pulling out. Had someone go in with me stay with me in the blind as normal then they left. To bad for the deer, I did not. They don't stay alive by being stupid.
I use this tactic to drop my wife off at her favorite blind. She rides on the rear atv rack and steps off at low speed. Doubles her game sightings
What is the terrain near the feeder? Is it open enough for you to set up a couple hundred yards out and observe him or is your blind up close? How long does it take you to reach your shooting spot from home -- a cell camera sending a notice with pictures might be your friend if you can show up quickly and stay away off to keep him from spooking while you set up
This 👆
I am battling one doing the same thing.
If at all possible try to set up a couple hundred yards overlooking his approach and feed site.