Trail Cameras By Mark Carder


Mar 6, 2008
I’m sure we’ve all heard the old adage, “If a tree fell in the woods and no one was around, would it still make a sound?” Of course it would, but if no one was around how would you know? Following that same thought pattern, if the trophy of a lifetime passes by your stand and you’re not there, how will you know? Use a trail camera! These devices are quite ingenious little sneaks when it comes to keeping tabs on an area you can’t be in 24/7. I recently acquired a trail camera, and want to share some of my thoughts on the process of choosing one, their physical placement, and their entertainment value. Read More...
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Great tips!!! I was LOL in the last paragraph!!!
First trail monitoring camera I bought was a 35mm camera, not doing that mistake anymore, you are limited in number of pictures, and you also have to pay for every picture taken, just to discover 36 pictures of the same tree moving:D
Thanks for the info it is very useful.
Just wondering how the battery life is on the Rogue 5.0 that was used in the article. I have had several trail cams over the years with many different features, but battery life seems to be the deciding factor for me nowadays. My Moultrie I-40 takes great pics (including with the IR flash) and one set of D batteries will last 6 months! It has been a great camera from 108 degree days in the summer through 11 degree days in the winter, always seems to function perfectly. I have looked at the Jim Shockey line before, but hadn't heard any reviews of actual field life of the 8 C batteries, and how temp effects it. What have you experienced?
Thanks for the input on my first article.
Battery life: Still on the same set of D cell batteries I put in SEP. Very pleased with that aspect.
This year I plan on moving the camera closer to the trail. I was too far off last year and too high.
Awesome, keep us posted. There is a definite learning curve to trail cams. I finally started getting good pics this year (my third year using cams) and got several magazine-worthy shots like the one below. Keep in mind that's a wild buck, not a ranch deer, and my property is adjacent to public land! I think having a feeder (or mineral block like I use) or fresh scrape or something to get the deer to stop long enough to get a good clear pic is the key. At least it has been working for me!

Well written Mark!!!!

I also went through the same process and have been very pleased with my choice
except for battery life.

The mistake I made was buying a 9 volt system that used 6 D cell batteries.

In the motion mode (44 frames in a row) with the infrared illuminator going
the batter life suffers and with the 9 volt system there was no way to use a solar
panel to keep them charged and life was very short.

I remedied this buy installing 7 Nickle metal hydride batteries and they have almost 8
times the amp hour rating but the voltage is 1.2 instead of 1.5 so you need to add one
extra one to the system.

Like you I try to hide the trail cam and use a tree when possible or drive a "T" post
and camo it and then using green tie wraps tie some local foliage to the T post.

Also I found that my camera does not date/time stamp in the motion mode so I prefer the
still mode.(More information and battery life).

I hope this adds to your post and will help others.

I own a few trail cameras, and while a bunch of them cost about the same there are definite "betters". As far as I'm concerned, the Moultrie I-40 or I-60 is one of the best cameras for the money that you can buy. I've had issues with my Stealth Cam I390, my Wildgame infrared won't take pics during dusk and dawn, and my new Bushnell is not that great on battery life.

The Moultrie lasts for up to 6 months, quick trigger time, and even in video mode it takes a single pic so that you can tell the info.

Here's 2 pics, both of wild bucks.

Thx for the read. I don't recommend diggin post holes in TX. Dirt is tougher than wood pecker lips as they say.
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