Timney Triggers - excellent customer service

Dr. Vette

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2009
Holland, MI
It's well known that Timney makes nice triggers. However, I'd like to pay them a compliment for their customer service.

I purchased rifle a while back that came with a Timney trigger already installed. Unfortunately it wasn't working well as it was firing every time I closed the bolt. So, when I was at the SHOT show last month I spoke with a Timney rep and discussed my situation. He recommended I send it back to them for a free adjustment, reinforcing that they have a lifetime warranty.

Yesterday UPS dropped off a box at my front door. Not only was the turnaround lightning quick but they also sent an explanation note, a NEW trigger adjusted to my 2 pound request, and a free lollipop. :grin: See photo below for specifics. In addition it was all done at no charge to me other than for my original cost to ship my trigger to them.

American made with excellent customer service - you can't beat that.


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    timney photo3.JPG
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Timney has been around since the earth cooled.

But lately they have been really impressing me with how they do things right.
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