Tikka donor action


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2014
I found a Tikka M695 for the right price. It doesn’t appear much different than a T3X action, which are known to be good donor actions for builds. My question is, is the M695 different than the T3X, if so, in what ways? Also, would it as good of a donor action as the T3X? Thank you in advance.
Well I venture to say it's probably different in all ways. The stock/action interface is different, trigger is different, the 695 is a true long action, Tikka t3 uses same action from 223-338wm. The 695 magazine is different. They may have the same barrel thread? But I'm sure headspace is different. T3 has a lot of aftermarket support at this point the 695 has very little. What are you looking to build cartridge wise? When you don't state any details, hard to say if it's a good donor or not
Well I venture to say it's probably different in all ways. The stock/action interface is different, trigger is different, the 695 is a true long action, Tikka t3 uses same action from 223-338wm. The 695 magazine is different. They may have the same barrel thread? But I'm sure headspace is different. T3 has a lot of aftermarket support at this point the 695 has very little. What are you looking to build cartridge wise? When you don't state any details, hard to say if it's a good donor or not
Looking for a donor for a .338 Sherman Max. Tikkas on the classifieds on here go quick or are not a deal that pencils with me. Came across a Tikka .338 win mag M695 on a used gun rack with a good price on it, but I don’t know much on this older model tikkas. So here I am. Thanks for the info and any more you might have.
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