Tiger Muskie and Prairie dogs

Iron Worker

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
Reno Nevada
In a couple of weeks, I'll be making my annual trip to Montana for prairie dogs, but a local contact has directed me to a fishing hole for Tiger Muskie. I'm going to pack a medium rod and spinning reel. How many lb. tests should I use, and what rigging?
I'll be fishing Orman Reservoir in western South Dakota tomorrow for Walleye. There have been some slob skis caught there while Walleye fishing this year.

This brute of a Tiger was caught on the St Louis River in Duluth MN a number of years back. I spent many hours throwing 1lb lures in that exact area back in the day. It was enormous. Minnesota has a 50" minimum for keeping Musky so it had to be released as it was only 48 1/2" long. The girth, however was nearly 30" if I remember correctly. She was obviously eating well...
This brute of a Tiger was caught on the St Louis River in Duluth MN a number of years back. I spent many hours throwing 1lb lures in that exact area back in the day. It was enormous. Minnesota has a 50" minimum for keeping Musky so it had to be released as it was only 48 1/2" long. The girth, however was nearly 30" if I remember correctly. She was obviously eating well...
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quigley257, did you catch the fish? (are you in the pic?)
The line you use and also the equipment depends on how you plan to fish. The last muskie that I caught was on 6 pound test line with no leader. It wasn't a huge fish (I'd guess about 40 inches) but I was fishing for panfish and it was a blast.

If it was me I'd use 20 pound braided line with a steel core leader. But I like light gear and go for the fight. I also have switched to braid for all my rods. It is very limp and has almost no stretch.
If you want big fish, use the prairie dog for bait.
You know you're in the right area of lakes, when the Bait Shop stocks 12 inch sucker minnows in the live bait tank and gophers in cages out back. It's nothing to see a decent Tiger Muskie jump up 3 foot and take a Red-Winged Blackbird off the cattails.

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