Successful Dall sheep season


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
Brooks Range adventure, Gre-Tan Built 300 Norma. Sept 12, about 100 miles north of the arctic circle.




I bet the taxidermist chewed some butt over leaving blood all over esp. when you obviously had plenty of water. Not what I expect from a seasoned guide.:rolleyes:
I bet the taxidermist chewed some butt over leaving blood all over esp. when you obviously had plenty of water. Not what I expect from a seasoned guide.:rolleyes:

Hope you had a good season as well;
I'm no guide?? Just a resident of AK in Fairbanks, Not to crazy about taxidermy, just not my thing. I will enjoy the meat though, to me that's the real trophy. I'm salting the hide to have tanned, them made into mittens of mukluks, fed the leg bones to my buddies sled dogs. I may keep the horns and make some knife handles, or buttons. . I'll post some picks of what I have made from the horns and hide, Just to amazing to waste and leave in the woods.
DIY hunt....**** that's awesome a do it your self Dall sheep hunt. I could only dream of doing that some day since I'm down here in the lower 48. Also would like to do a caribou some day and what the hell a stone sheep to round things up. Totally awesome, congrads on the sheep. Some day I take the plunge and go up north for a hunt.
DIY hunt....**** that's awesome a do it your self Dall sheep hunt. I could only dream of doing that some day since I'm down here in the lower 48. Also would like to do a caribou some day and what the hell a stone sheep to round things up. Totally awesome, congrads on the sheep. Some day I take the plunge and go up north for a hunt.

Let me know when you do and I steer you in the right direction on moose and caribou here in AK
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