Soot on case necks


Oct 5, 2009
Reloading a 243wssm with Varget powder. Seems to be excessive black soot on the case neck after firing. There is also a tiny amt that is at the side of the case. I think I read somewhere that this was low pressure and the neck was not sealing against the chamber allowing the soot to come out more than normal. Gun ok to fie? Any ideas for the excessive soot? Thanks.
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Reloading a 243wssm with Varget powder. Seems to be excessive black soot on the case neck after firing. There is also a tiny amt that is at the bottom of the case. I think I read somewhere that this was low pressure and the neck was not sealing against the chamber allowing the soot to come out more than normal. Gun ok to fie? Any ideas for the excessive soot? Thanks.

Whats the load? How many times has the brass been fired? Factory barrel?
Could be low pressure, How does it go with factory ammo? Do you still get the same black residue. Need more info.

Just keep an eye on pressure signs, is the bolt hard to lift? Look for splits in the cases and check primers for leakage. If you notice this then pressure could be high. Need more info.
Could be low pressure, How does it go with factory ammo? Do you still get the same black residue. Need more info.

Just keep an eye on pressure signs, is the bolt hard to lift? Look for splits in the cases and check primers for leakage. If you notice this then pressure could be high. Need more info.

Only use factory ammo once. Cant be sure but I think there was less residue on the factory. Bolt is not hard to lift . primers not leaking. Thanks.
The short mags harden necks up in a hurry, how much are you having to size them down?

If you are sizing a lot, I would say try annealing a few and see if the problem goes away, if it does you will probably see more consistent velocities too.

Biggest question, how does it shoot...soot aside?
The short mags harden necks up in a hurry, how much are you having to size them down?

If you are sizing a lot, I would say try annealing a few and see if the problem goes away, if it does you will probably see more consistent velocities too.

Biggest question, how does it shoot...soot aside?
Not sure of actual measurement of sizing them down but I had to turn the die past the shellholder 1/4 turn or so to get them to fit in the gun. Gun will generally shoot the size of a quarter. Some other research I did indicates as what you said concerning the neck hardening and try to anneal them to soften them. Thanks for the advice.
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I don't shoot that cartridge but after taking a quick look at hodgdon's site, I'd guess low pressure. You have to see how the primers look, how the bolt opens and so on to be a little more sure. Are you using published load data???
I don't shoot that cartridge but after taking a quick look at hodgdon's site, I'd guess low pressure. You have to see how the primers look, how the bolt opens and so on to be a little more sure. Are you using published load data???
Hornady manual for charge but other manuals have it at higher loads.
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