

Well-Known Member
May 2, 2009
See guys talking about boots. I'd like to know what socks guys are using and if your layering?
ingenious socks for less cold weather, or REI merino wool hiker or lite hiker for cold or less cold. a little goldbond in each sock and each boot helps alot!
I prefer to do much of my hunting in the mountains (less people and presssure). I just recently started using the Vermont Darn tough Socks (merino wool) and found they work outstanding. I don't layer, otherwise my boots won't fit correctly. I always carry extra socks, even if I am out for just a day hunt. I like gold bond the best for powder but I don't put it in my socks. That has the possibility of 'clumping'. The best way is to put it directly on your feet each night.
I'm a big Thorlo fan. I like the Smartwool socks but find they tend to lose their elasticity somewhat over the course of the day. Makes my feet feel off in my boots.
I have found that if you are going to put 10 miles on you feet day after day after day liners are incredibly important. After 9 or 12 days of that abuse the only pair of socks that are not slapped out are the ones kept in your pack just in case. Columbia and smart wool are the best I have used so far though.
In 1978 a 14 year old girl stole her parents car, I was on my way home from work and was on a Yamaha 500 and was hit, my bike was in 3 pieces and my rt foot was crushed.It was God will I still have my foot but I lost 70% of every major use, I lost a major amount of blood flow and my feet get cold real easy..I bought a pair of socks to keep my skin grafts from damage, cotton
socks were a real problem, I got my hands on a pair from a store that caters to runners
there called Right Socks, they are about $10.00 a pair, but they last a very long time (2 years)
they keep my feet real toasty..they are worth what I payed. But I also use Boots from Cabelas
they are made by Mendel they are made in Germany. 800 Gortex and Thinsalate.
I love them they are like slippers.
Have had bad exxperience with smart wool socks. They feel good to the feet, but if your feet get hot and sweaty, they peal the skin off my heals even with sock linners.
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