Silencer shop single shot trusts?


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2017
I already got a regular trust started but still need it notarized and all that. But are the single shot trusts worth it? Seems like less hassle. No notaries needed and they generate all the paperwork along with the form 4. Just seems like a lot less hassle. Anyway your guys thoughts?
I already got a regular trust started but still need it notarized and all that. But are the single shot trusts worth it? Seems like less hassle. No notaries needed and they generate all the paperwork along with the form 4. Just seems like a lot less hassle. Anyway your guys thoughts?

NFA Trust is the way to go ... I am not sure what hassles your referring to but mine was prepped for a notary that took less than 5 minutes. The same was true when it was amended.
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I have a normal trust and 2 single shot trusts.

where the single shot trusts are convenient is is you want to let a friend possess the can and not have to worry about removing them before buying another can. On a regular do it all trust that person would now be a responsible person to all the newly added items and have to submit fingerprints etc. on a single shot they are only tied to the single item you are letting them use.

Single shots have to be amended just like a normal trust to add that person legally so they can possess the item, I've done it. You have to get 2 documents notorized one by the main trustee, that you are appointing said supporting trustee and they can legally possess the item, then they must get another document signed agreeing to the appointment. Both of you must keep these copies. This is essentially the same as amending a larger trust, notary and all. You could then remove that person from a larger trust to not have to worry about them being a responsible person on future purchases.

the only advantageous thing is if someone often borrows/possesses one item you own and you often buy other items. This way you don't have to remove them every time you don't want them to be a responsible person on new purchases.

I do not regret any of my trusts really, it is slightly easier to add remove on a SS because all the documents are laid out simply and there is no initial notary when submitting your form 4. (Though my dealer had to notarize me picking up the items) But going in I thought you didn't have to notarize to add supporting trustees and that's not true. If you're going to buy a can through silencershop and want to do a trust it's it's seamless though so I'd do it again. Then again my most recent purchase had been individual so I'm just trying them all out lol.
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NFA Trust is the way to go ... I am not sure what hassles your referring to but mine was prepped for a notary that took less than 5 minutes. The same was true when it was amended.
The hassle I'm referring to is lining up co trustees at the same time and a witness to have it notarized. Also does the info on the check have to be the same as the trust or can I use a check from my regular checkbook?
The hassle I'm referring to is lining up co trustees at the same time and a witness to have it notarized. Also does the info on the check have to be the same as the trust or can I use a check from my regular checkbook?

I cannot help you in lining up the co-trustees (or witnesses) at the same time, that's a matter of coordination within the group. I had no problem using my personal check for payment.
If you are going thru the silencer shop they supply the check that is sent in. It does not matter how you pay the silencer shop.
My bad I thought the question was referring to a single shot trust.Thru the silencer shop.
So I was just on Silencer shops site. Anyone know why they are charging $125 for the INCLUDED cb muzzle device? Looked at the 223 ultra 7 and it's $995.
The drop down menu for included device shows +$125. The next drop down menu says Add a second device for +$125. Maybe it's just an IT mistake or are they really trying to charge for something that is suppose to be included with the suppressor price? I emailed them so I'll see what they say.
So I was just on Silencer shops site. Anyone know why they are charging $125 for the INCLUDED cb muzzle device? Looked at the 223 ultra 7 and it's $995.
The drop down menu for included device shows +$125. The next drop down menu says Add a second device for +$125. Maybe it's just an IT mistake or are they really trying to charge for something that is suppose to be included with the suppressor price? I emailed them so I'll see what they say.

Yes, it's best to ask them directly. Hopefully, they respond to you promptly. My LGS made it literally painless, everything was prepped for me.

regardless 90% of this crap shouldn't even be necessary just to own a suppressor.

I agree but "if" you want it, you must play with the current rules, regs, and wait time like all of us did.
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Yes, it's best to ask them directly. Hopefully, they respond to you promptly. My LGS made it literally painless, everything was prepped for me.

I agree but "if" you want it, you must play with the current rules, regs, and wait time like all of us did.

i know, rules is rules.
My lawyer said to use trust account check that way the ownership and paperwork matches. You can use any payment but just his recommendation



the trust is just named with my last name anyway. So I guess it shouldn't be hard for them to match up the info. Just hate to screw something up and get a rejection for something. I'm brand new to this whole System and it's a bit intimidating right now.
You're not going to get a rejection for that. They wouldn't have a credit card payment option if they didn't take personal checks
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