Sierra 100 gr 6mm Gamechanger


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2010
Anyone worked with the Sierra Gamechanger in the 100 gr 6mm variety?

What I ve been able to dig up sounds like they re a good game bullet and pretty forgiving regarding accuracy and tuning.

Especially interested if .516 G1 BC holding up? If so it's right with 103 Eldx and gives a guy another option in these times of scarcity. I found some in stock and considering picking up 3-4 boxes for my 6 Creedmoor and 240 Bee.

Thx for any experiences and findings!!
I have shot them in 243 with 10 twist barrel. Heaviest bullet i could use in the 10 twist. Shot good to 1000 yds in my gun, but bc is only .430 not .516 . Its a good hunting bullet for the .243 but for 6 creed with a 8 twist I like heavier bullets with better bc.
Anyone worked with the Sierra Gamechanger in the 100 gr 6mm variety?

What I ve been able to dig up sounds like they re a good game bullet and pretty forgiving regarding accuracy and tuning.

Especially interested if .516 G1 BC holding up? If so it's right with 103 Eldx and gives a guy another option in these times of scarcity. I found some in stock and considering picking up 3-4 boxes for my 6 Creedmoor and 240 Bee.

Thx for any experiences and findings!!
What is the twist in your rifle?
I ve got some with 10 twists and some with 8 twist. I have a tough time believing Sierra rates at .516 and it's only .430. Sierra for many years has had the most accurate BC s until Berger /Litz joined the scene. Now most bullet manufacturers have joined the party and quit over-inflating their BCs.
8andbait… that could be. A .430 is more likely the lead tipped GK BC; not the newer GameChanger. My thoughts at least.
Thx Hickswr. Good info.

Any experience with BC and if it seems to hold true at 600 plus yards??

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