SHOT Show Report - Tell Us What You Saw

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
I went once a few years ago. So many toys, so little time!

This is a thread to talk about your trip to the SHOT show.

Those that I know are there include:
  • Ian M
  • Shawn Carlock
  • gr8fulDoug
  • scooterbear
  • Darrell Holland
  • Lerch?

I know I forgot some who told me they're going.
One of the interesting things that I saw was the return of the Weaver Tactical. It's part of the Grand Slam series. Gone is the First Focal Plane reticle. It is a plain mil-dot SFP. Also gone is the target turrets. They are replaced with tactical turrets. Pretty much it is just a Grand Slam with tactical turrets. Nice scope, but it sure is not as good as the older Tacticals.

I also talked to Walt Berger. He told me that the new 338 bullets will be coming out soon. 250 and 300 grain. He also said that the BC's will be very impressive.

Had a very good chat with Shawn Carlock on Tuesday right before the show ended. He showed me some more video clips that haven't been released yet. Simply amazing. Thanks Shawn.
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I heard that Leupold was supposed to be coming out with a carbon fiber scope hear soon, anyone see one there. Only problem I see with it is that carbon fiber dosent grow and shrink as much as aluminium. Good for scope but bad for the rings trying to hold them.
One of the interesting things that I saw was the return of the Weaver Tactical. It's part of the Grand Slam series. Gone is the First Focal Plane reticle. It is a plain mil-dot SFP. Also gone is the target turrets. They are replaced with tactical turrets. Pretty much it is just a Grand Slam with tactical turrets. Nice scope, but it sure is not as good as the older Tacticals.

I also talked to Walt Berger. He told me that the new 338 bullets will be coming out soon. 250 and 300 grain. He also said that the BC's will be very impressive.

Had a very good chat with Shawn Carlock on Tuesday right before the show ended. He showed me some more video clips that haven't been released yet. Simply amazing. Thanks Shawn.

I thought you were my friend, did not even tell me you were going!!!???
Man!!!??? light bulb :mad:
I got to see some interesting things down there, Glenn Seekins bottom metal prototypes were very nice hope to have them soon. The best part was meeting alot of people face to face including several from the LRH site. It was my first SHOT show and a great experience except for catching the flu bug down there that is still kicking my butt.
I enjoyed our short visit, I am down with the bug also. Dry coughing, aching joints, feel even more dull than usuall.

Nobody stole the show like TC did last year with the Icon, simple as that. The new Marlin rifle impressed a bunch of people with how well it shoots, for a 300 dollar rifle. Nikon's new EDGE binos are amazing. I really enjoyed shooting the Browning XBOLT and new M70, we had nice weather for the range day and a buddy and I burned a LOT of good shooting ammo. There were four shooting venues the day prior, with three overlapping so we could get to all of them.
Will tell you about some good stuff another time, gotta go.
Len, no i didnt go this year. my parents went instead. they had a really great time, it was there first show. they arent really into the long range stuff but they did stop by the NF both and dad got to talk to Shawn a little bit.

Shawn if you read this dad said you were a hell of a nice guy and he is looking forward to some of your products,especially the video. if you dont remember him he was the skiny redneck with the black cowboy hat on, and yes like everyone else he was coughing and felt like crap with everyone else!!

they said it was really fun, just sucks that so many people got sick. i will be there the next time they have it in vegas on superbowl weekend, that saturday nite they always have a big UFC fight and i am a huge fan

We shot the M70 a lot during the Winchester event out in the desert. They did not have Winchester stamped on them, obviously prototypes. They were very good, nice triggers and we did some good hitting on water bottles and rocks. They look like the good old crf rifles, just different triggers. I shot the same rifles a couple of other times during hunts and factory show and tells and they worked perfectly then also. Just wish I could get my hands on one in .416 Rigby or even a .458 right now.
Thanks for the reply, I just hope they start chambering the 338 WM and the Ultras again. At least you can get a CZ chambered in 416 Rigby or 458 now.
I went to the LWRC rifles using direct impingement--newest trend for carbines et al.

I talked to a user and a rep and heard good things about the rifle for the SAW replacement. After about 20 minutes talking to this guy the subject of where we were from came about...the guy lives 5 minutes from me...go figure.

FWIW I really liked their offerings--lots of commonality with the current M4 products used by the military...wish them luck. Hard to break in with the big three - Colt, FNH and HK...

I was able to attend the show as a walking vendor this year, my second SHOT show.
The best part of the show was meeting and talking to the guys that I have read about in gun rags.
Another really cool thing was I spent an evening on Cocoa Beach during a rocket launch, this was the firts time I had witnessed a launch..

All in All the show is a good trip even if it does cost a fair bit.
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