Shooting at 1 mile?


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2009
I may have a chance to shoot at targets out to one mile. I have been told that if my bullets are long enough it might work.

I am shooting a 6mm Norma BR. with 105 gr. Berger VLDs going about 2900 fps. I've done pretty well at 1,000 yds. and am wondering if I could stretch it another 760 yds?

Where I would be shooting there probably would not be much if any wind in the early morning.

What ya think?

I may have a chance to shoot at targets out to one mile. I have been told that if my bullets are long enough it might work.

I am shooting a 6mm Norma BR. with 105 gr. Berger VLDs going about 2900 fps. I've done pretty well at 1,000 yds. and am wondering if I could stretch it another 760 yds?

Where I would be shooting there probably would not be much if any wind in the early morning.

What ya think?


The best way to find out what the efective range is, Is to shoot progressively longer ranges
to see where accuracy falls off. 1100, 1200, 1300 and so forth.

Once the POI becomes unpredictable that is the limit for that bullet, velocity combination.

I would not expect it to perform well past 1400 yards. But there is one way to find out.

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