I'm using 167 grain Lapua Scenars in Lapa brass, a Redding micrometer seater and Forster Co-Ax press. I'm measuring base to ogive w/a Hornady bullet comparater.
Typically out of 40 rounds, I get around 50% right on my 2.269" CBTO goal measurement. Maybe 25% are over by .002" and 25% are under, some by as much as .006".
I've tried an RCBS press and a Harrel press, RCBS and Forster micrometer dies. I seat the bullets slowly and evenly.
Typicall with the bullets that are under length, I "pull" them with an Impact Bullet Puller and reseat. When I reseat, there isn't always a 1:1 ratio between the micrometer setting and the increase in depth of the bullet. In other words, I can screw down the micrometer and the bullet does not always go down a corresponding amount.
My suspicion is that the variance is caused by slight anomalies on the bullets. My questions are:
Am I right?
If so, Is the initial seating the right seating and I should leave it alone?
Am I doing something wrong in seating?
Will reseating after pulling a bullet reduce accuracy? I don't seem to lose any concentricity.
Typically out of 40 rounds, I get around 50% right on my 2.269" CBTO goal measurement. Maybe 25% are over by .002" and 25% are under, some by as much as .006".
I've tried an RCBS press and a Harrel press, RCBS and Forster micrometer dies. I seat the bullets slowly and evenly.
Typicall with the bullets that are under length, I "pull" them with an Impact Bullet Puller and reseat. When I reseat, there isn't always a 1:1 ratio between the micrometer setting and the increase in depth of the bullet. In other words, I can screw down the micrometer and the bullet does not always go down a corresponding amount.
My suspicion is that the variance is caused by slight anomalies on the bullets. My questions are:
Am I right?
If so, Is the initial seating the right seating and I should leave it alone?
Am I doing something wrong in seating?
Will reseating after pulling a bullet reduce accuracy? I don't seem to lose any concentricity.