Scope for new 22-250


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
Hey all I’m picking up a Bergara ridge in 22-250 next week and trying to decide what glass to put on it. Right now I’m considering the vx freedom 4-12, sig whiskey3 4-12. I do have a vx3i 4.5-14 on a 7mag I like really well and would get another if it’s worth the extra cost. This will be my coyote and truck rifle here in Montana. Probably limited to 500yds at the farthest.

What would y’all recommend and is there anything else in the price range I should consider? Have had vortex and don’t care for them as well compared to Leupold clarity and color.
What is the price range?
The Meopta 4.5-14x44 HTR are a nice scope with great glass. They are available with ballistic turrets.
If it were me (who likes more magnification for varmints; you can always turn it down with a variable), I'd look hard at a good ol' Leupold VX-2 in 6-18X. They offer CDS and several reticle options.
That scope, plus my (discontinued) 4-16 Sightron SII Big Sky (a 4.5-14X now fs over on rimfirecentral) are on my " will never sell" list in that general price/mag range.
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