Parts can be had if you know where to look. I had a 93r17fv that didn't shoot worth squat off the shelf, after some easy tweaks it was a fun gun. The action screws are picky about torque, mine was SUPER picky. The idea with that action is to use as little torque as possible while still being enough to hold everything tight. Seems like it was only a few pounds. I used a Richards Microfit laminate stock, but bedding the action and first 2-3" of bbl to any good stock will shrink your groups (even the factory laminate stock is pretty good, just that I'm southpaw and the action was wrong-handed, but I found a lefthanded stock for it). I cut the first 3/4 of a round out of the trigger spring too. It didn't make it a "great" trigger, but it helped. Ended up being a great little rig, too nose heavy for walking, but great off sticks or bench. has a whole forum on that action that I found useful when I was tinkering with mine.