RL-16 recipes


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2018
Picked up a little 16 and thought I'd see what my options are. I have looked through several manuals and see there is some versatility with this; I'm loading for a 25-06, 6.5 CM, 270win, 270WSM, and 308. If you have had luck with 16 in those mentioned calibers, please share if you will!
And yes, I know Retumbo works well in a 6.5x284, as well as 4350 is good for 6.5 CM, and 308 loves Varget like I love Cheeseburgers, but I was hoping to keep it allll about RL-16; please! :)
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Running RL-16 in my target and hunting 6.5 CMs. Hitting 2820 with the Hornady 140 ELD-M out of a 24" tube and 2845 with the 140 Berger elite hunter out of a 22" tube. That latter load is a little hot with a sticky bolt lift but it's too accurate to back off.

The 140 ELD-M is in Lapua brass and the 140 Berger is in Starline brass
That is quite hot for a 22" barrel. You can almost certainly find another node at a more sane pressure that is at least as accurate. That will also let your brass last much longer too.
That is quite hot for a 22" barrel. You can almost certainly find another node at a more sane pressure that is at least as accurate. That will also let your brass last much longer too.

I'm actually at 43.6 gr which is the published max by Alliant for the 140 hybrid that they have at 2821 out of a 24" barrel. On my 5th firing with the Starline brass and neck sized only until the 4th firing when I bumped the shoulder. No other pressure signs and the bolt isn't sticky on every round. I was surprised too when I looked at the magnetospeed and I've verified dope out to 500.

I've got about 100 of that load down the barrel and it keeps shooting lights out.
I shoot 43.3 RE16 with Hornady 143 ELD right at 2800 in a 24" tube. 43.0 shoots almost as well. Start at 41 and work up.
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